Post your favorite profanities from your language translated literally (word by word) in English.
Slovak is my language and some of the most widely used are:
Go to ass or go to c..t (means f..k off)
It's in the ass/c..t (means it's f..ked up)
It's for sh.t (means it's no good)
You d..k/c..t (means basically the same in English)
Then there are many combinations since Slovak uses various prefixes and postfixes. Cursing in Slovak can sometimes be quite creative
Slovak is my language and some of the most widely used are:
Go to ass or go to c..t (means f..k off)
It's in the ass/c..t (means it's f..ked up)
It's for sh.t (means it's no good)
You d..k/c..t (means basically the same in English)
Then there are many combinations since Slovak uses various prefixes and postfixes. Cursing in Slovak can sometimes be quite creative