i set hottracker in my website
my adress :
i edited config.php such as :
Copyright (C) 2009 by Dr. Timo Bergmann
This file is part of the HoT Tracker.
HoT Tracker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
HoT Tracker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with HoT Tracker. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Prevent from direct calling
if(eregi("config.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
echo "Unauthorised Access.";
exit ();
* This is the HoT Tracker 2 configuration file.
* Read the comments carefully before editing parameters!
* (0) Link Base - Enter the URL to the base directory of the HoT Tracker (where controlcenter.php is located)
@define(LINKBASE, 'http://lfs.ir/hottracker/');
if (!defined('LINKBASE') || !defined('SERVER_NAME') || strpos(LINKBASE,SERVER_NAME) === false) die("Are you kidding me?");
* (1) LFS World Pubstat Access ID Key and Premium Stats Usage
// Enter you LFS World ID Key here (required since PubStats v1.3)
// If you don't know what this means refer to forum
@ define(IDKEY,"your personal pubstat key here"); // your personal pubstat key here
// Set this to true if Premium Pubstat Access is allowed for the provided ID key.
// NOTE: Premium Pubstat Access will only be used during manual update of HL/PB data
@ define(PREMIUM, false);
* (2) MySQL Options - Required for Tracker Functionality only
* HoT Tracker needs access to a MySQL database in order to store the
* LFS World data of you mates locally.
* Thus, you have to setup a MySQL Database on your server.
* Here we need to know the name of this database and a user/password
* to access it.
@ define(DBHOST, "localhost"); // This is most likey to be unchanged
@ define(DBUSER, "lfsir_hotlap1"); // Enter a valid user name here
@ define(DBPWD, "1625090"); // Enter a valid password here
@ define(DBNAME, "lfsir_hotlap"); // Enter a valid database name here
* (3) Minimum Refresh Intervall for Status Updates
* Only after this number of second, the SDK will try to query LFS World
* (using non-premium access)
* (4) Some language specific constants, you might want to translate ...
@define(C_YES, 'Yes'); // Yes
@define(C_NO, 'No'); // No
@define(C_OR, 'or'); // or
@define(C_AND, 'and'); // and
@define(C_N_A, 'N/A'); // Not available
@define(C_NIL, '-'); // Not in list
@define(C_NO_RACERS, 'No racers online'); // No racers online
@define(C_OFFLINE, 'offline'); // Offline (host)
@define(C_PRACTICE, 'Practice'); // When server is running in practice mode
@define(C_LAPS, 'laps'); // Laps
@define(C_HOURS, 'hours'); // Hours
@define(C_MINUTES, 'min'); // Minutes
@define(C_SECONDS, 's'); // Seconds
@define(C_VERSION, 'Version'); // Host: Version
@define(C_PRIVATE, 'Private'); // Host: Private
@define(C_TRACK, 'Track'); // Host: Track
@define(C_CARS, 'Cars'); // Host: Cars
@define(C_RULES, 'Server Flags'); // Host: Rules
@define(C_QUALIFYING, 'Qualifying'); // Host: Qualifying
@define(C_RACE_DISTANCE,'Laps/Hours'); // Host: Race Distance
@define(C_PIT_STOP, 'Pit Stop'); // Host: Pit Stop
@define(C_SLOTS, 'Slots'); // Host: Slots
@define(C_RACERS, 'Racers'); // Host: Racers
@define(C_SEPARATOR, ', '); // Separator for lists (<br> might also be an option ...)
@define(C_CAN_VOTE, 'Vote'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_CAN_SELECT, 'Select'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_CAN_QUALIFY, 'Qualifying'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_PRIVATE, 'Private'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_MODIFIED, 'Modified'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_MIDRACEJOIN, 'Midrace Join'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_MUSTPIT, 'Pitstop Required'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_CAN_RESET, 'Car Reset'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_FCV, 'Force Cockpit View'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_CRUISE, 'Cruise'); // Server Rule - Explanatory text
@define(C_SET_DATA, 'Set Data'); // Text for Set-Data-Button
@define(C_SHOW_ALL_DRIVERS, 'Show all Racers'); // Text for Checkbox "Show all Mates, even those without a PB/HL"
@define(C_MULTI_CAR, 'Multiple Car Selection'); // Text for Checkbox "Multiple Car Selection"
@define(C_RADIO_HL, 'Show HLs only');
@define(C_RADIO_PB, 'Show PBs only');
@define(C_RADIO_HL_PB, 'Show HLs and PBs');
@define(C_TRACK_SELECT, 'Select Track');
@define(C_CAR_SELECT, 'Select Car(s)');
// Texts for Hotlap Flag Legend
@define(C_STEERING_WHEEL, 'Wheel');
@define(C_STEERING_MOUSE, 'Mouse');
@define(C_STEERING_KEYBOARD, 'Keyboard (stabilized)');
@define(C_STEERING_POS_L_R, 'Left/Right hand drive');
@define(C_BRAKE_HELP, 'Brake help');
@define(C_AUTOGEAR, 'Autogear');
@define(C_SHIFTER, 'Shifter');
@define(C_AUTOCLUTCH, 'Autoclutch');
@define(C_AXISCLUTCH, 'Axisclutch (Pedal)');
@define(C_LOGGED_ON_AS, 'Welcome'); // Explanatory text for logged on user
@define(C_NOT_LOGGED_ON, 'Not logged on');
@define(C_LOG_IN, 'Login');
@define(C_LOG_OUT, 'Logout');
@define(C_REMEMBER_ME, 'Remember me next time');
@define(C_REGISTER, 'Register');
* Default Tracker Mode - Show PB and HLs, single car mode, only mates with existing times
* Miscellanneous settings
@ define(ALLOW_REGISTRATION, true ); // Allow user registration? If false, only super user will exist
@ define(C_LOCK_UNKNOWN_IP, true ); // Lock all IPs that do not match any pattern?
and change peremissions data too 777
and esatablished sql database and user name
but this don t work
why ?
please help me