So brake checking someone is better than bumpdrafting?.....

If i see that on someone's car I will never bumpdraft that person.
However, if i see someone i know and that person is fine with bumpdrafting. You can bet I will bumpdraft and I will not let some no skill noob who has no friends or teammates tell me that it's cheating.
Only place where I can see bumpdrafting be outlawed based on principle is open wheels.
Yes, you know what else people do in video games? intentional wrecking. Bumpdrafting is a grey area but if you brake check someone, that's malicious if ands or buts.
Bumpdrafting is a part of closed wheel racing. Does it get irritating that someone is winning because of good bumpdrafting? Sure...but it's no different from having a very good drafting partner. Learn to adapt to different disciplines of motorsports