Season 2: Thoughts, Ideas, etc
Hey all !

So, it's time to ponder this one. It seemed to work last year, just needs MORE PEOPLE !

Season 2 will be longer, last season was mostly a trial.

So, I'd like to know a few things:

What did you like about Season 1?
What did you hate about Season 1?
What can we do to make the series more attractive?
What would you like to see for Season 2?

I'm thinking a few things. Shorter races, more autocross, different format that works for both.

I'm thinking a heat format for all rounds, Heats, then Mains, kinda like how the Autocross rounds were supposed to be last year.

Scrap the sprint/feature race business, scrap pitstops being required, and basically make it as full-out, competitive, sprint race like as possible, and letting everyone have good, clean fun.

Your thoughts !

Personnally, I'd like to see every round raced on an autocross layout, exept for a special round in the middle of the season raced on fe3r with a sprint and a feature race.

And, indeed, a rallycross style heat format should be nice.

The two autocross layout of last year were nice, you should keep them on the calendar of this year. For the other ones, I'd say that we should use ParkWayLong from the good ol' CTRA times, and for the others, why not asking LOTA to have the autorisation of using one of them?

No other idea atm, sorry.
Well, I didn't participate last year, but I liked what I saw and I'm gonna do some this year.. What Yann said is what I'd like, except have the longer track at a track where theres lots of opportunities to overtake, maybe AS3 would be good.
#4 - J@tko
Can we have the races at about 8 UTC on a weeknight? There are so many leagues on weekends, it will be hard not to conflict with another series. Also, I like the idea of using ParkWay Long and some of the LOTA layouts from the MRT CC cup, if LOTA will allow you to use them. FE3r as the only normal track race in the middle of the season would be good. When are you guys planning on starting?
I liked the 'proper' tracks personally (as in the non-autox tracks). And I'd agree with a fixed format through all rounds, but frankly I don't really mind what it is (although on second thoughts heats would probably be best.)

I wasn't great last year, so I didn't have as many battles etc as I might have liked, but I really liked it because I enjoyed the cars.
Quote from racer hero :Can we have the races at about 8 UTC on a weeknight? There are so many leagues on weekends, it will be hard not to conflict with another series. Also, I like the idea of using ParkWay Long and some of the LOTA layouts from the MRT CC cup, if LOTA will allow you to use them. FE3r as the only normal track race in the middle of the season would be good. When are you guys planning on starting?

The problem about your midweek idea: We've all got our own lifes midweeks means, that we from europe would do the races when we should be supposed to sleep... The Kyoto 500 practice sessions in the week before the race were something single, happening twice a year (if you count the 250 to it), so we can affort it. Doing such a thing every week or fortnights would mean we'd need to affort it every week. Speaking for myself, I cant guerantee to be able every week or fortnights for the weekends, midweeks is more stressfull, and therefore much more blocked...
Quote from TFalke55 :The problem about your midweek idea: We've all got our own lifes midweeks means, that we from europe would do the races when we should be supposed to sleep... The Kyoto 500 practice sessions in the week before the race were something single, happening twice a year (if you count the 250 to it), so we can affort it. Doing such a thing every week or fortnights would mean we'd need to affort it every week. Speaking for myself, I cant guerantee to be able every week or fortnights for the weekends, midweeks is more stressfull, and therefore much more blocked...

Okay, are we looking at a winter series again, or is it going to be in the summer/fall?
Quote from racer hero :Okay, are we looking at a winter series again, or is it going to be in the summer/fall?

It'll be in September starting area, mebbe later.

Quote from dekojester :It'll be in September starting area, mebbe later.


I don't really mind what day it is in September/October then. My concern was if it started in August that I would miss a race or two on weekends.
So, some more stuff:

Restrictions for 2010 (Provisional): 25% This lets the car be a bit more responsive and a bit faster on permanent circuits. I think the 37 was actually pretty decent on the autoXs, but that could also be different from the permanent circuits, such as 25% for permanent courses, and 30% for AutoX. Doing this also means that new records will be set.

Provisional calendar: Races on Saturday from Mid September to mid November. Time, around 1800 UTC probably.

Round 1 @ FE3
Round 2 @ Some Dekoring
Round 3 @ the modified SO5 (iirc) from last season
Round 4 @ The Ellis Failring
Round 5 @ BL1R with a second chicane added midway down the long straight (at about the bridge area)
Round 6 @ AS1R
Round 7 @ Another AutoX race, either another dekoring or one of the layouts that PMD sent me

Permanent circuit races would be a 20 minute open qualifying, followed by about a 75 or so mile race.

Autocross races will have a hotlap session, then heats, then a couple mains, like last year was supposed to be. Heat races short, minor mains are a bit longer, and the major final will be longest, at about a 30 minute or so race.

Lemme know what you think !

All but the restrictions sound great.

25% all around would be great, for the whole season. Alternating restrictions are going to cause problems and sleepless nights for the drivers trying to make setups, and perhaps mod their fe3 set for the autox, for example.

Im pretty sure the 25% will be good enough for both the autoX and perm courses
That calendar looks amazing. Great choice of tracks. The restrictions seem better 25% on perm tracks and 30% in the AutoX layouts, the race formats seems cool.

I'll definetly be signing up for this season although I'm not sure if I'll be able to attend all the races since I'll be jugling between karting, work, school and this... School, work and karting come before this so we'll see.
So, actually thinking of Sundays instead. Could give us more time for scheduling and not have to have it so crammed in.

Less stuff on Sundays too late in the year.

Still would be around 17/18 UTC. Cool ?

o cool to see things moving on
Sounds nice... just replace fe3 by fe3r and as1r by another autoX layout

Sundays would be okay for me, won't be clashing too much with other leagues, so I hope real life won't try to take the priority

25% should be good for road courses. For the autoX I'd see something between 30 and 35
NO KEEP AS1R!!! You can get rid of FE3 if you want
As former champion, I demand we remove AS1r from the calendar and keep FE3r.

Thank you.

You're just scared that I beat you there. Pussy

Get on msn you noob!
I would if we raced there again.
AS1R will stay, and I actually was gonna do FE3R. I think I just mistyped or so.

Sunday September 20th for the first round. Most rounds will be weekly, but with the occasional off-week to avoid conflicts and such.

Quote from dekojester :AS1R will stay, and I actually was gonna do FE3R. I think I just mistyped or so.

Sunday September 20th for the first round. Most rounds will be weekly, but with the occasional off-week to avoid conflicts and such.


Good choice!
Indeed. I'm interested in this season.
Somewhat more concrete but still provisional calendar:

Round 1 @ FE3R on 20th September
Round 2 @ Dekoring II on 27th September
Round 3 @ the modified SO5 on 11th October
Round 4 @ The Ellis Failring on 25th October
Round 5 @ BL1R with a second chicane added midway down the long straight (at about the bridge area) on 1st November
Round 6 @ AS1R on 8th November
Round 7 @ PMDring sent me on 15 November

Avoidinga conflict with the last XSCC Round, and a conflict with 16h Race. The first round is on the day of XSCC, but I didn't want to start earlier or later than that because then there'd be some longer breaks that I didn't want.

Also will have a worst-round dropped rule for this season, otherwise the points would follow our standard ones like we use for LFSBC / NDRC.
