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HD3850 Slideshow (Solved)
(21 posts, started )
HD3850 Slideshow (Solved)
Bought a new psu for the new Sapphire HD3850 AGP card.
Un-installed old card ,removed drivers , used driver cleaner pro .
Installed new card and psu and now I can hardly scroll through a web page it's so slow .
Tried multiple drivers from ati and sapphire from newest to oldest.
Tried with and without CCC and ATI Tray Tools.

Have the graphics card connected with 2no. 4 pin, into a splitter ,into 8pin on the card.Wasnt sure about using the pci-e psu connector.

Got latest direct x ,MotherBoard stuff etc.

Running out of ideas and got 6hr GTAL race on saturday

On trying to run LFS , Message-probably driver error

P4 2.6ghz
check if AGP speed is set to maximum (should be 8x)
Unfortunately only 4x max on MB, but card 4x/8x compatible
AGP can produce max of 8x. Make sure u connected all the needed plugs correctly. Im not sure, but does the card need extra power connector?
Only one connector which is 8 pin , but they recommend 2 x 4 pin into splitter which is connected up fine , swapped with other 4pins from hard drive to test , still the same ?
Quote from Turbo Dad :Only one connector which is 8 pin , but they recommend 2 x 4 pin into splitter which is connected up fine , swapped with other 4pins from hard drive to test , still the same ?

I belive its better to use 8pin on a 8pin

Also, if you had nVidia card before. Try to remove the old drivers completely as possible. Update you DirectX and such stuff.
It does recommend using 2no 4 pins .
As stated in 1st post ,latest direct x ,removed all trace of last card (ati) and used driver cleaner pro
fomat C: and see if it works, happened the same with me for my HD3850 PCI e too
Quote from Kristi :fomat C: and see if it works, happened the same with me for my HD3850 PCI e too

I dont recommend formatting right now, better try to find a solution before. Ill do myself some coffee and then ill do some research for you
Had another try this afternoon with same results.
Every time I try and start LFS -

Could not detect any suitable screen modes Probable error in graphics driver

Tearing my hair out.
Even tried the cd in the box and ccc would crash on startup lol
hardware acceleration to off helps 2d stuff a bit LFS still wont start.
Dxdiag shows DirectDraw/Direct3D/AGP Texture Acceleration as not available.and test Direct3D button is grayed out.
DirectDraw test passed , no problems found
It sounds like the drivers won't install properly. Have you tried the AGP hotfix from ATI?
Tried hot fixes from ati and sapphire direct , various versions
Out of curiosity, does your old video card work the same as it did before after your installed the new power supply? I'm thinking that maybe the power supply is faulty.

And if the power supply has a black PCI-e power connector which fits into the video card I strongly suggest you use that one instead of the thing you're currently using for power. Those special PCI-e connectors are there for a reason, trust me. Forget what the manufacturers say, they think old AGP systems have old power supplies with no PCI-e connectors.

Also out of curiosity, what motherboard do you have?

One more thing, can you run GPU-Z and take a screenshot and post it here?
Have you tried it in any other games? You might just need to delete .cfg (NOTE: You will lose how lfs is setup right now) which resets LFS's settings to default, because you could have some settings which the graphics card doesn't support / blah blah turned on.
What version of Windows u using?...

It sounds like your windows install is screwed....

If you have installed the latest drivers and DirectX then it should show as working in DXDiag...

Since its not then its either Windows or hardware problems...

A format and reinstall will be the quickest way to check since you have tried other means and had no success....

Also, is the gfx card installed properly in System Properties?.... If so, what version of the driver does it show?....
Sorry for delay , couldn't get near pc.
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Out of curiosity, does your old video card work the same as it did before after your installed the new power supply? I'm thinking that maybe the power supply is faulty.

Yeah mate , before gtal race uninstalled new hd3850 , left in new psu , and popped in old 9600xt, installed old drivers .Worked first time , no problems (actually seemed to run better than old psu )

Quote from shiny_red_cobra :And if the power supply has a black PCI-e power connector which fits into the video card I strongly suggest you use that one instead of the thing you're currently using for power. Those special PCI-e connectors are there for a reason, trust me. Forget what the manufacturers say, they think old AGP systems have old power supplies with no PCI-e connectors.

Tried the 8 pin pci connector with (seemingly)no difference

Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Also out of curiosity, what motherboard do you have?

Its a pre-built Compaq Pressario 6263-ea . Board: Compaq 0804h which is MSI -ms6541

Quote from shiny_red_cobra :One more thing, can you run GPU-Z and take a screenshot and post it here?

Attached images
gpu z screenie.gif
Solved :)
AGP Aperture size from 64 to 256mb .
Also used ATI Catalyst Control Centre cleaner .
Latest 9.7 agp hotfix drivers from Sapphire
Once it was up and running uninstalled ccc and installed beta ati tray tools , seems to be working a treat

thanks for your help guys
That's good to hear.

Is it a good card?
Blows my 9600xt's socks off
Not got much else to compare with apart from 1st geforce mx420 card !
Running at 1920x1080 (46" LCD)the xt could not run any aa or any eye candy, but 'mostly' managed with big grid starts (15% overclock)
3850 4aa 8af everything maxed out in lfs ,still doesn't dip below v-sync'd 60fps on default clocks, not tested driving yet just replay.
Default clocks are 668/825 ,after a quick fiddle got them to 780/950 .
I know exactly what you mean, I have a old 9600xt (AGP) as well, and when I got my 4870 (PCIe) I was very happy at the performance difference. For a while lol. Now I don't even remember those days!

HD3850 Slideshow (Solved)
(21 posts, started )