Well next month if all goes well financially i will be coming over to hastings for 2 weeks , and i just want to ask , cos even with searching the internetz i cant find really anything , about where to stay and stuff , thats why im here asking for personal opinions if one of our lfs'ers actually lives there , maybe he/she can point me in the right direction .
i would be visiting a very special person too me , so i want to make it a memorable stay too , cos it may be one of the last times we see eachother .
i hope not , but u know how life shoves shite in yar face at times , well this is one of those moments .
i would be visiting a very special person too me , so i want to make it a memorable stay too , cos it may be one of the last times we see eachother .
i hope not , but u know how life shoves shite in yar face at times , well this is one of those moments .
