Damage Control League
"Everything have consequences and damages have too"
Lots of close racing and the league where people will get to understand, that they gain more on clean racing, than on reckless driving.
Starting wednesday 19th of August
The race is every Wednesday starting from the 19th of August
starting 20.00 (Copenhagen time)
South City Town Course.
19 Aug - (XFG+XRG)
26 Aug - (UF1)
02 Sep - (MRT)
Blackwood reverse
09 Sep - (XFG+XRG)
16 Sep - (UF1)
23 Sep - (MRT)
Fernbay Green
30 Sep - (XFG+XRG)
07 Oct - (UF1)
14 Oct - (MRT)
Aston Cadet Reversed
21 Oct - (XFG+XRG)
28 Oct - (UF1)
04 Nov - (MRT)
Server: Dansk-lfs.dk
Password: will be sent to you by PM
The league where people will get to understand, that they loose more on reckless driving than to respect others and walls, barriers etc.
Damage repair is obligatory and pitstop obligatory too. There is a pitwindow.
It will be controlled by 3 judges after the race on replays and those who drive recklessly or disobey the rules will be punished in a proper way.
There will be 12 racedays with each a sprint and a main race. The main race is with reversed grid of the sprint race result.
The 2 worst raceday results will not count in the overall standing
20 min qualifying
Sprint: 10 laps.
Pitwindow: Obligatory pitstop between the end of 5th lap to the end of 9th.
Main: 20 laps.
Pitwindow: Obligatory pitstop between the end of 10th lap to the end of 19th.
You are free to have extra pitstops in case you need it.
Additionary rules:
Rejoin after disconnect and shift+p is allowed, but you still have to take your obligatory pitstop.
There will be both an individual and a team championship.
Individual championship:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14 points for the 12 first positions.
1 point for for pole and 1 point for best laptime during races (including both sprint and main race)
Team Championship
Best 2 drivers from each team and from each race will be added. The result will be the team points.
It means that a fast driver will have possiblility to get 3 bonus points during an evening, which compensates for the reversed startorder in the mainrace. The reversed startorder is for ensure close racing.
Register here (Moved to another thread)
Please enter your lfs reg name and if you are in a team, your team name as well

Already Registered - (added list from dansk-lfs.dk)
(RasmusL) - 7Karat R.Larsen
Kaw - CoRe K.Johnsen
Sjoenne - H4A Racing
wildstyle - H4A-Racing
heagles - [TDRT] A.Kongshavn
KristerBC - 7Karat Krister
Kenn Cramer (humbleridderen) - 7Karat
LokeDK - (Lokey)
A.Dahl - (Flingoko)- 7Karat
ICE_Coffee - 7Karat
BlackBelt Rasta
U4IK ST8 - Team: iCON Racing
M.Svensson - Team: TDRT M.Svensson
Pantera70 - iCON DAZZA - Team: iCON Racing
Core A.Arnason
S.Williams - (xtraction)
Pandekage - (Cooltown)
Enzo Matrix - Team: 7Karat
CoRe D.Lind Dennis93) Team - CoRe Racing
Danas - dt.Danas L. Team - DeadLine Racing
Derbis1990 - dt.Giedrius O.
mrspeed21 - in game name: D.kheireddine
(hbp405) Mr Le Mans