The online racing simulator

- AIRIO 2.3.3 up and running. New features...

- enabled czech and german language

Have fun!
I really enjoy clean racing on LR, thats one of the best LFS servers availible!
Well, i've recently changed my internet bandwidth from 1M to 5M (cable). Now, when I play online on LR (other servers go well, without any problems) I am moved to spectators by AIRIO because of lags approx. every second race. Once it happend on the last corner, 50m to finish line, when I was leading the race... The bars on the bottom-left side of the screen sometimes jump well.
Do you have any ideas? There weren't any problems with a 1M bandwith...
Why is it that I'm getting so many yellow flags apparently caused by me? I will go through an entirely clean lap, by myself, and still have a yellow flag caused by me...

So many in fact that the server is telling me my rating is poor and I will be banned soon.

What gives?
Quote from panjan920 :
Well, i've recently changed my internet bandwidth from 1M to 5M (cable)....
Do you have any ideas? There weren't any problems with a 1M bandwith...

A bigger pipe doesnt mean you´ll get a better ping or a better connection-quality. We have severall drivers from all over the world and the majority have no problems with racing on our servers...

TBH I have no idea. There´s a so called "lag-filter" enabled. When AIRIO couldnt recieve a packet 4 times you´ll sent to spec...

Quote from Ziploc :Why is it that I'm getting so many yellow flags apparently caused by me? I will go through an entirely clean lap, by myself, and still have a yellow flag caused by me...

So many in fact that the server is telling me my rating is poor and I will be banned soon.

What gives?

Most of your flags are collected on BL1R. Fore some reason there´s still an unfixed LFS-bug. Unfortunately there´s no way to avoid that. Only solution: Stay away from BL1R and first raise your rating on all other tracks...
Excuse my ignorance but, where can I view this information?
I meant the info about my server standing.
Quote from Ziploc :I meant the info about my server standing.

Airio users can only see their overall yellow flag ratio (!rt), only admin can see the details.
I spent a long-ish (for me) session on Race Center this weekend and had a lot of fun. My only complaint is that the track rotated to BL1R, which is a great track, but has the yellow flag issue. I wound up leaving early because I was getting the kick warnings and I didn't want to sully what's left of my good name.

I know it's not anything you can fix, but maybe you could take BL1R out of the rotation? I'd think only people with maxed out licenses would be willing to race there at all.
Maybe it's possible to tell the Insim program to ignore yellow flags on BL1R? Since it's such a great track and it would suck if it was removed from the rotation (not that I'm racing LFS atm but just to make sure for the future ).
Right, I've started racing online again after having probably about a year away from the wheel. My wheel doesn't work properly but I wanted to get back into the swing and it's still better than a joypad for online racing.

I hopped around various servers trying to find one that was running a decent selection of slow cars where I wouldn't be that much of a danger and stumbled onto the LR Race Centre one. I have to say I was well impressed with the quality of the driving, particularly on the South City and KY National tracks.
Sure there was the odd bit of T1 chaos, but even the people who spun out tended to stay put until the track was clear, meaning less of a pile up. I also have no idea how to rank up, but I don't really care about that.

Unfortunately it has reminded me how much harder it is when you have 180 degree steering and only 4 buttons, but I can live with being a few seconds off the mark when the competition is good fun.
Quote from Dajmin :Right, I've started racing online again after having probably about a year away from the wheel. My wheel doesn't work properly but I wanted to get back into the swing and it's still better than a joypad for online racing.

I hopped around various servers trying to find one that was running a decent selection of slow cars where I wouldn't be that much of a danger and stumbled onto the LR Race Centre one. I have to say I was well impressed with the quality of the driving, particularly on the South City and KY National tracks.
Sure there was the odd bit of T1 chaos, but even the people who spun out tended to stay put until the track was clear, meaning less of a pile up. I also have no idea how to rank up, but I don't really care about that.

Unfortunately it has reminded me how much harder it is when you have 180 degree steering and only 4 buttons, but I can live with being a few seconds off the mark when the competition is good fun.

Well ranking up on the LR servers is pretty easy. It takes abit of time, but it´s easy to understand. You get points if you finish in the top 10, if you get the fastest lap, if you improve your pb and if you´re almost alone on the server you get 1 point for every finished lap. I bet there´s more but I can´t remember that right now.
Climber points 1 or 2 pts for gaining the most places. There's a threshold I think, no idea what is, but who rly cares. Ranking just happens along the way as you have fun with the standards
Any news about server website?
Hi guise, I've been experiencing very noticeable lag since (at least) some time yesterday. Witnessed mass disconnects, lots of timeouts and failed server joins. I did a trace and pinged a bit, I've attached the results. Almost 50% packet loss, and 4 times the ping to LR than other nodes en-route. I tried on a few other very busy servers, but it's just LR as far as I can tell. It also failed to show up on the in-game connection list a couple of times today. Thought I'd just let y'all know that, in case it's not just my connection acting up

edit: Apparently the server was restarted, and seems to be better now.
Attached files
lr_rc1-ping.txt - 2.2 KB - 217 views
lr_rc1-tracert.txt - 1.1 KB - 210 views
I have a wrecker to report. It's actually the first time I've seen such blatant and deliberate wrecking happening in S2. For a moment I thought I was back in demo. This happened last night on LR Race Center 1, and this guy (fbrandalise) was wrecking everything and everyone. In my opinion he deserves to have his license taken away. I suggest all server owners put him in their ban list - he's already added to ours.

Replay attached.
Attached files
fbrandalise.rar - 1.8 MB - 175 views
Ah ok Pringles. Maybe someone could update first post with that link.
I decided to try this server after reading this thread.
i had one race at blackwood with no crashes and one at south city where i crashed into a wall on lap 11 of 22(but didn't touch anyone else)
now it seams i have a 30 day ban

edit: if someone could post mpr of my alleged infringement i would be much happied
Here you go: ... fastforward @ 11:40

And please dont tell me your cat walked on the keyboard, your dog laid on your pedals or your brother is an axe-murder..!
thanks for that

i went back and watched it from the start to see if it was a revenge crash
@5:00 that little orange turd tail tapped me, at least that is what it feels like from in cabin view. from outside camera view i actually moved across on his line.
in my defence those three cars around me were bloody slow at the time.

and my cat jumped on my axe murdering brother's dog's pedals

i'm not begging for an instant un-ban though anyway. my gfx card can't handle the monster grids. hopefully i'll upgrade between now and my official un-ban
After watching the replay I think one 'driver' at least should win a free cruise on the Good Ship 999

Our provider replaced a faulty switch.

Sorry for last days connection-problems!
It's great that it's back up running. Nice racing there

LR Announces: Race Center
(328 posts, started )