The online racing simulator
(13603 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Gabkicks :Prather's pretty far off pace.

Proof that skill in a racing game doesn't translate into skill in real race cars or vice versa. They just dumped the poor guy into a car as a "guest" driver without providing any quality learning sessions with a instructor.

More on this here:


"The highest ranked American road racer in iRacing, John Prather, will be a guest driver in the VW Jetta TDI Cup race at Road America this Saturday."

Results from practice session: ... 25/uthor58/Untitled-2.jpg
Quote from DieKolkrabe :No, but you need to fix your line :P

I was only there to take a picture

Quote from Quint999 :If your using ATI drivers try turning off "Adaptive Anti-Aliasing" in the Catalyst Control Centre

I think i got rid of this by moving from 9.5 to 9.6 Cat drivers and could use adaptive again , havent tried 9.7 yet ( win7 64 bit )

That's probably it, I'll try it out once I get home. Thanks
Quote from DaveWS :I think he's doing great so far. It's a lot to get accustomed to. He's only had 15 or so proper laps in the real thing, ever, so to be within 5/6 seconds from the fast guys on a near 3 minute lap is very good, and I'm sure he will improve further.

The race ended up having only three green laps, and Prather got stuck behind the club racer guest driver. Well, there will be more interesting results when the iRacing series winner gets in the real world driver selection process early next year.
1:08.028 is my best at Road atlanta so far. Spanks do you happen to have a replay of one of your decent laps? I'd love to take a look at it ;p

E: 1:07.873.. Just need to be a bit smoother I guess. Oh and BEAT YA Andy!!!
Here is my quickest so far.

The incident in t2 actually didn't get me through any quicker. I'm actually pretty sure its possible to go quicker completely on the track. I've matched the pace through there cleanly. I know because I obsessively watch my +/- time with the split time add on. The huge sweeping right turn is where I picked up a lot of time on my other laps. I also carried like a mph more into t1 and the chicane, and still picked the gas up early enough.

It was a miracle lap for me lol..I just need to figure out how to repeat it.

A fast lap can look identical to a slow lap...its a pain to try and figure out how to improve. The best way I've found is to watch your mph on entry, apex, and your exit speed. This will show how well you're carrying speed because its really hard to tell inside the car.
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Quote from AjRose :

E: 1:07.873.. Just need to be a bit smoother I guess. Oh and BEAT YA Andy!!!

Quote from The Moose to elaborate? or are those of us that haven't resubscribed not allowed to know?

Hosted Racing = LFS Servers, rFactor, NR2003, every other sim.

Host your own races basically. It's funny actually, because alot of people wanted it before, and now they are iffy.

It's going to be limited though, because it goes through them.
Quote from PMD9409 :
Host your own races basically. It's funny actually, because alot of people wanted it before, and now they are iffy.

At last! As long as its not too limited as to what you can do, that's the news that will get me to resub (well, once they get some transmission modelling in the sim as well.)
Quote from The Moose :At last! As long as its not too limited as to what you can do, that's the news that will get me to resub (well, once they get some transmission modelling in the sim as well.)

Supposedly you might be able to change car/track/length/whether SR and iR counts/restrictions on what SR, license, or iR you need.

Hosting 1 race costs $1 though, but that is better than paying a month at a time.
It's going to be such a difficult balancing act I think. Too many private leagues and it will upset the apple cart for regular races and attendance.
Quote from StableX :It's going to be such a difficult balancing act I think. Too many private leagues and it will upset the apple cart for regular races and attendance.

I think they are hoping more people subscribe, or else everything will be thin.
$1 for a race? If anything this should be a free service, albeit limited
Thats cheap. If I want to put up a league with one or two races per`s then much cheaper than 1/2 liter of Coca Cola here in Denmark..
Yes, but if we're paying for new content *and* hosting races, then what is the subscription for? The statement that it costs something to prevent races going up all over the place with no reason is a bit silly; then they should limit the amount of races an account can create to 1-2 per week, and charge for every additional race.
This is an extra thing who came out after we bought iRacing. I don`t think it was ever planned to allow private races. But things changed.

I have requested a server a long time ago knowing that it would be a "pay-server", so not a surprice for me and a very fair price. Who on the earth can`t afford a server for 1$ if he WANTS?

I think I payed 15£ a month for a LFS server at the beginning in LFS and I ended to pay 10£ a month for it and it was only a private server for our league races..

You can join my league in iRacing for free m8.. I love clean and fair racers...
Quote from richard dk :This is an extra thing who came out after we bought iRacing. I don`t think it was ever planned to allow private races. But things changed.

It was planned from the start, but they just hadn't figured out how they were going to do it. The following has been in their website FAQ for a couple of years at least:

"Will support private leagues, allowing groups of friends to run invitation-only races?" - One of our highest priorities is to develop ways to fulfill requests for individual races and leagues.
So it's just $1 to host, nothing to race?

If so, I'm expecting LM's on road courses the first week its out!
Quote from PMD9409 :So it's just $1 to host, nothing to race?

If so, I'm expecting LM's on road courses the first week its out!

I remember reading something on the forum that was saying ages ago that there would be very little flexibility in what you can and can't do and it would have to mimic current series.....

What I want is Jetta and Late Model multiclass
Quote from StableX :I remember reading something on the forum that was saying ages ago that there would be very little flexibility in what you can and can't do and it would have to mimic current series.....

What I want is Jetta and Late Model multiclass

Well... if we are going to throw in multiclass then I demand that driver swaps be added. How they will do that I'm not sure yet.

Think of DPs, Corvettes, and Mustangs.

Edit: Much more info on the Hosted service thing. ... readID=47339&tstart=0

Quote :
I had some give and take with iRacing today to find out what they're working on with what has been called "Private Leagues" and most recently "Hosted Racing."

Here's the scoop. And we're interested in what you think knowing that people disagree all over the place when it comes to most subjects - especially this one. Building consensus is more difficult in sim racing than in American politics.

Caveat: this is just a discussion and what the current thinking is. Development issues will dictate a number of the final features of Organized iRacing and the first season will be different than following seasons. Nothing set in stone here presently.

As we've repeated repeatedly, we are not going to do anything to harm the existing service. We have a couple of things in mind to protect the Official Races of iRacing. However, we want people to be able to do what they want to do here. Therefore it is imperative to try to give the people who want Organized iRacing a strong, broad menu of options.

The plan currently is to implement a service called Organized iRacing. These are unofficial races that do not count in iRacing outside of the Organization you choose to race in.

First, we are considering charging each member who wants to organize races & leagues $9 per season. This will ensure that iRacing is not overrun by organizers who aren't serious about what they are doing.

A member can become an Organizer by purchasing an iRacing Organization ("Org" for short) prior to a season for $9 (an annual iRacing Organizer can purchase an annual iRacing Org for $25). Organizers can purchase as many Orgs as they want.

An iRacing Org is essentially a "league" that can be passworded or not. It is a "hosting" service run by an iRacing Organizer. The Organizer sets his schedule, track, car(s), race length, yellows or no yellows, SR min/max, iRating min/max, set ups (fixed or not). The Organizer can make his races Open (no password) or Closed (password only).

There is no cost for any member who wants to join an Org. The only charge is the $9 per season to become an iRacing Organizer and the Organizer also pays $1 for every race he schedules. This should serve to limit Orgs to Organizers - members who are serious about their Organization(s).

[Note: an Organizer is going to be free to charge anyone anything they want outside of iRacing. So if an Organizer who is popular and good at running an Org puts together an Org and finds 30 people who will pay or contribute $1 per month or whatever he wants to charge them to be a participant in his Org -- that is not our business. We can't be responsible for transactions members may make between themselves.]

An Organizer can create a website for their Org, but iRacing - as part of the Org service - will provide a dedicated Org page including all results and stats for that Org. The dedicated page service will probably not be available until season after next.

The second thing we are going to do to ensure continued participation in our official series is the iRacing Participation Plan. The Participation Plan should increase participation in official races of iRacing because we intend to offer iRacing Credits to members who participate in at least 8 Race Weeks in a particular official iRacing series.

A member who participates in at least 8 Race Weeks in a particular official series (ORGS ARE UNOFFICIAL) next season receives a $7.50 iRacing Credit after the season ends. If a member accomplishes this in two separate series during a season, such member will receive a $15 iRacing Credit after the season ends. $15 is the maximum Credit a member may obtain through this Participation Plan in any season.

If a member takes full advantage of the Participation Plan, he will save an additional $60 per year. Right now an annual subscription is $156. Therefore, the annual cost could become as low as $96. That essentially reduces the cost from $13 per month to $8 per month! But you have to participate in official iRacing series as explained above. The Participation Plan will be evaluated each season.

I doubt the official series will die off with these significant two plans in place to both protect the official series and to increase everyone's ability to get what they want out of iRacing.

So, once again, none of this has been announced by iRacing. But this is what is being discussed currently. You're all so passionate about what is happening here at iRacing - about what you like and don't like - about what you want to see and don't want to see -- well, you should be part of the discussion process.

Wow this keeps getting more attractive all the time. Of course those are iracing $, so really you're getting is a break on the content that you have to buy to race in the series. They keep on upping the ante. I'm waiting for them to throw in free fuzzy dice and floormats before I bite.
(carey) DELETED by carey
First jetta race in 15 minutes. No qualifying sessions before it...should be entertaining!

I didn't race the car in the 24 heur du fun either lol, first jetta race for me! I hope it puts me somewhere near the start...I saw the vids of what happened at Road America D:
Quote from spanks :First jetta race in 15 minutes. No qualifying sessions before it...should be entertaining!

I didn't race the car in the 24 heur du fun either lol, first jetta race for me! I hope it puts me somewhere near the start...I saw the vids of what happened at Road America D:

It's going to be exciting. Me and StableX are doing it! Good luck Spanks!

I probably had the strongest grid. John Stewart, Andre Gomez, Someone else fast, Eric Foss etc etc. That was the top 4 when I left turning out consistant mid to high 7's. Andre ran a 7.15 on lap 4. I've been turning sector times to hit a 7.1 or 7.2 all day, but just couldn't put it together. I was excited

I got to start 19th lol (dead last). I'm making up spots every lap. I had a good battle with Nim for a position.

*story time*

Two cars hop through turn 1 and jump over the crest. Nim Cross Jr. is in front and I'm close behind. We glide back and forth through the esses and make our way to the bottom of the hill. I downshift 16 times until finally it slams into 5th gear. I grab a lot of curb on the inside setting up for a tight line. I'm screaming up behind Nim, tires howling in agony to stay on the painted stripe. Nim decides to make his Jetta a double wide and gets dead sideways in the center of the corner. I breathed the gas a couple times all too ready to give him a little tap. I had positions to make up, I don't care if he's the race steward! :eclipseeh

Somehow I scrub off just enough speed to leave our cars unmarred. I pull it back to the inside and Nim drifts wide. We begin the long stretch side by side, the spotter clamoring off commands in my ear. "Stay right, one on your left, keep to the right!" We fly down the down hill and I tap the look left button a couple times. I have about half a car length on him. I was praying for him to lift early for the corner and I could steal the line, but I had to remember who I was sitting just a few inches away from. He is Nim, and he is the law. I give one last tap of the look left button and I've decided he is not going anywhere. I brake later than usual and keep my line wide to give him room, but just enough. We tip toed through the chicane never touching each other or the grass. I clip the inside curb and sneak out just in front of his nose.

*end of story time, back to ranting*

Lap 7 there is a group of like 5 of us close together, I keep gaining on them. Suddenly I see a couple people swerve...and I clip a stationary car backwards in T1. I barely graze brushed up against the nose because I had no time to react. Apparently that is enough to completely wreck my suspension, give me a 4x, and send me hurdling into the wall.

I had the pace to be a top 5 car..I guess I should race more if I want to be serious about iracing. My irating is like 2400 or something I can't remember. I gain irating every time I finish a race, usually a podium. I have two problems is actually racing, and the other is finishing once I'm in the race.

I had two other 1x's too, my A license is gonna love this. The first one was because I was so close to the car in front I couldn't see the track...he could see and he drove straight through the grass. That was nice of him lol. 2nd one I had to lift in the esses and I was going slower than usual into the sweeper so I clipped the inside a bit too much.

Tl:dr - Fun car to drive until a brush against another car wrecks your suspension like its an 80 yr old woman with osteoporosis.
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