Quote from logitekg25 :you helped a lot, you are right i did hand make the vxr logo, and that is the gimp strait line tool at work and what is the benifit of the pen over the brush

MUCH smoother lines, better accuracy and once you're used to it, its a lot quicker too.

I've never used GIMP but i'm sure it's got some sort of pen tool, maybe called something else.

I didn't start using it 'til about a year ago and i'll never look back now.
:jawdrop: wow that is better! now to master it
FXR Livery using Watts Electrical logo provided by GFresh (Daloonie bodykit used).

Public skin number 200 :eye-poppi
Attached images

Fixed version of the Urban Republic skin...


you have a number decal thing ontop of the hood vent
Quote from PLAYAPIMP :you have a number decal thing ontop of the hood vent

just lika alot of race cars do.
Nice one! Keep'm coming
Christian Bakkerud's Audi A4 DTM 2009
One more skin of my DTM collection.
Attached images
I Fixed my post to
1.Include the skin,
and 2. My Viewer Picture wouldn't Load.
Check post #18633!

Private skin.
Quote from logitekg25 :i got another skin that i have tried some new techniques, and i modeled it after a real car...sooooooooo here it is

real car


Fair enough if you want to make it yourself.
it was already made

wow now i feel special

it diddnt even come out good on my end
HRT skins from the FXR V8 Supercars skin pack.
Watch out for more skins as Nick and myself are going to post the skins individually.

Lazy Skinnerz presents: 2009 Toll Holden Racing Team V8 Supercars!

Skin Files: (already uploaded)

Car #2 Garth Tander.
Car #22 Will Davison.

Kind Regards,
Lazy Skinnerz presents: 2009 Wilson Security Racing V8 Supercar!

1024 - 2048

*Remove 2048 from 2048x2048 skin

Cheers, Nick.
Quote from tinky winky :
Lazy Skinnerz presents: 2009 Wilson Security Racing V8 Supercar!

Cheers, Nick.

Wow nice !
These skins are great, but I think you guys will have to shoot someone from photobucket because all your skinfiles were resized due to the 1MB upload limit per picture.

photobucket fails use pictutepush
Kawasaki Racing
A Kawasaki Racing :P
Attached images
Quote from Deutschland2007 :These skins are great, but I think you guys will have to shoot someone from photobucket because all your skinfiles were resized due to the 1MB upload limit per picture.

Pfft, sucks... will upload them using a new image hoster in a tick Thanks for that
Quote from Deutschland2007 :These skins are great, but I think you guys will have to shoot someone from photobucket because all your skinfiles were resized due to the 1MB upload limit per picture.

Thanks for that mate, now uploaded on new hosting. Hopefully its the full size 2048.

Kind Regards,
Teamskin for Team RoDa Thanks for design dudes for awesome bodykit
Attached images
Here is mine FXO skin. I was working on this for a 2 days

Hope you'll like it!

Quote from tinky winky :
Lazy Skinnerz presents: 2009 Wilson Security Racing V8 Supercar!

1024 - 2048

*Remove 2048 from 2048x2048 skin

Cheers, Nick.

sweet skin m@t3

FXO Skins (& GTR)
(2595 posts, started )