The next season of on-track action with the Formula V8's, Formula XR's and Formula BMW's in the Open Wheel Racing League will start in September. The next Div A/B season kicks off at Blackwood GP rev. Just like the previous seasons it consists of 6 races with the championship deciding races to take place at Aston Grand Touring rev. 'S2 Season 15', as it will be called, is the first season with the new Div A licensing system. Only drivers with this license are allowed to start in Div A races. New drivers or those who still have to earn it can start in Div B and get to the Div A license by finishing in the top 7 of the season.
Div A continues to use the Formula V8 in all its races. Div B will use the Formula BMW and Formula XR, both for three races each. Signup opens in the first week of September.
S2 Season 15 calendar
R1 19-09: Blackwood GP rev (FBM)
R2 03-10: Kyoto GP Long (FOX)
R3 17-10: Fern Bay Black (FBM)
R4 31-10: Westhill International (FOX)
R5 14-11: South City Long rev (FBM)
R6 28-11: Aston GT rev (FOX)