I usually don't mess around a lot either, but I do always set the gear ratios up properly for each track, to make the most of them. Of course then you have to remember to load the right setup before each track, otherwise you're out of luck
As for racing tonight, I don't know if I can make it. Depends a bit on what my girlfriend is up to, as she can't watch the TV when I'm playing and she does usually watch TV in the evenings. I suppose I could try hooking my Xbox up to my 22" monitor but IMO console games need to be played on a TV Then again it might actually look better on my monitor as my TV isn't HD. Hell, it isn't even a flatscreen.
I don't even finish work til 5:30 and I'll have to eat after that. So at least 7, maybe 7:30 is more likely for me. But I don't mind missing a couple of races if the rest of you want to start early.
Of course I might also need to work out a car setup after that. But since I want an S2000 IRL I might just go for that option instead.
I have no idea who most of my friends are (especially since I starting pimping my Trials HD levels). It'd be nice if they let you add tags to people for situations like this
Yeah, I have tons of "friends" and I don't know who most of them are, I add people, and get added to boost multiplayer achievements sometimes, and I should really delete them afterwards, but I forget.
I get the "x has come online" and my daughter will go, "whos that", and I normally say "I haven't a clue!"
That's a good idea. We should all go and send it as a suggestion. If enough of us do it they might see the point. Although they might just go "stop adding so many random people"
I'll also try and get on tonight. Will probably use one of the cars listed above to save time.
Could make it interesting, Ill take the stats of the cars and build them before I come racing online. Seems like a good idea, if they aren't level playing could always be a slight change for another night.
Edit: Those cars aren't that expensive to buy/upgrade but if on the off chance anyone is that poor, I can afford to gift a few of them here and there.
My account is short on cash, but that's only because my garage is obscenely big with a lot of pointless stuff I bought for achievements Easy enough to make 30k though.
Easiest way I know if fully tuned mines r34 skyline with no aids racing the skyline supra face off at the oval.
Either way, I got pretty much ever car I want to own and working on buying and tuning every car in game (for no reason other than i want too lol) but I have about 1.5 mill so if you cba to race I will happily gift them out.