How long before he is banned off here and making duplicate accounts with the same details, like the same date of birth and ag... oh, wait, he'd have to know his own age to do that :/
Stig, I'd like to trial the "Gold" Package please, with working race InSim, use what you wish.
I'd like the name written upside down, and some contact details (home address, phone number, credit card information if you have one which i doubt because youre ten cant splel ues punctaton or perfrom basic grammatical checks using your browser which would be impsosible as im prezuming that you yuze interweb explorerlolzwut) just so i can ensure that i truly do have 24/7 support

Then you can go to bed and i can ring you for help!
And might i say a huge congratulations to StormServers and 500servers, for handling themselves exquisitely in the face of this mighty adversary, someone who could potentially cost them a lot of money, because he is
alot cheaper you know
Mikjen, please try to refrain from blasting us

We've probably had as much, if not more crap from this guy on our forums as LFS Forums have had