Quote from scipy :LOL, you lack the basic understanding and ability to differentiate between "like" and "respect". From what you're saying you don't LIKE tristan because he is not "nice", but that has nothing to do with not "respecting" him. I didn't like the first croatian president, but I respected him and what he did i.e. got our country independence. Learn the difference.

Okay sporry i make mistakes im human u know and hey im 18.

I make mistakes shal we now stop spamming and congratulate the guy?

i would like to invite you to some races on the oval. some 8 lappers or an event if the 8 lappers are just to short for you.

if the oval falls under your thinking of lag of skill then i would also invite you to the fox junkies for example. there the same. drive maybe just some laps with us or if wished we can hold an event if it would be more of your kind of racing.

if you also wish we can hold an event on another car/track combination.

i hope you there can show us some of your skills there.

and with respect please don`t come with the argument that you don`t have time for that or you got other thinks to do in real life. i think we all have and you might just sacrifice some minutes or even an hour that you would otherway sacrifice posting on this forums.

looking forward to race with you!
I'm nice to a lot of people. But not everyone. I'm not nasty for the sake of it, but only if they write (or say) something worthy of not being liked. As scipy says, I might still, however, respect you. Or, alternatively, I might like you, but have little respect for you.

Anyway, who cares. I don't like oval racing. I doubt I ever will. It just bores me. I see little skill in it (of course there is some skill - being smooth, consistent and things like that, but that should be a given for professional motorsport most of the time, not something worthy of praise). If you don't agree then that's fine by me.

What would my dad have to add about ovals? He probably doesn't like oval racing either - although I don't ever remember discussing the topic with him.

The idea of racing the FOX (the easiest car in LFS) on the oval (the easiest track in LFS) really doesn't interest me. The FO8 or LX6 or UF1 on Kyoto Long or South City Town would be much more appealing.

Edit: I really don't have the time. I'm up at 8am for work. I get home at about 2200-2300 after working on the race car and a day at work. The last thing I want to do is play a racing game. Having said that, maybe one weekend, but I can't promise which one as most of them are also 14 hour days of some sort. If you see my post history you'll see that 99% of them are during work hours. I take a few minutes every now and again to post something (don't tell the boss!). In the evenings I am conspicuous by my absence. I did get a couple of evenings off last week, but I played netKar and Crysis instead.
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm nice to a lot of people. But not everyone. I'm not nasty for the sake of it, but only if they write (or say) something worthy of not being liked. As spicy says, I might still, however, respect you. Or, alternatively, I might like you, but have little respect for you.

Anyway, who cares. I don't like oval racing. I doubt I ever will. It just bores me. I see little skill in it (of course there is some skill - being smooth, consistent and things like that, but that should be a given for professional motorsport most of the time, not something worthy of praise). If you don't agree then that's fine by me.

What would my dad have to add about ovals? He probably doesn't like oval racing either - although I don't ever remember discussing the topic with him.

The idea of racing the FOX (the easiest car in LFS) on the oval (the easiest track in LFS) really doesn't interest me. The FO8 or LX6 or UF1 on Kyoto Long or South City Town would be much more appealing.

Edit: I really don't have the time. I'm up at 8am for work. I get home at about 2200-2300 after working on the race car and a day at work. The last thing I want to do is play a racing game. Having said that, maybe one weekend, but I can't promise which one as most of them are also 14 hour days of some sort. If you see my post history you'll see that 99% of them are during work hours. I take a few minutes every now and again to post something (don't tell the boss!). In the evenings I am conspicuous by my absence. I did get a couple of evenings off last week, but I played netKar and Crysis instead.

Blah blah then plz dont critisize FMs any longer, put up or shut up.
You are owe an apology to FM
Quote from 510N3D ::feedtroll

no worrys...i don`t feed you

@tristancliffe: why then you don`t just stop answering the forums in work time so you can get out there earlyer and race with us?
(carey) DELETED by carey
It's a nice idea, and thank you for the offer. Sadly, if I finished work earlier I'd just have to do more race car stuff in the evening. Having no time for fun things like LFS or cycling or cinemas or restaurants is the price I pay for racing in reality. In many ways I wouldn't recommend it to sane people!
(Chrisuu01) DELETED by Chrisuu01
Quote from 510N3D :No worries, my pizza is hot & crispy.

damn...the trolls learned to feed themselves. but i should have expected that cauze i trust the darwin theory. but anyways..you got a damn good point with the first one

@tristancliffe: ahh cmon. i`m sure you can quit it for one or maybe even for halfe an hour to come racing with us. or at least take your time for 15 minutes and do one or two 8 lappers with us on the oval or 1 or 2 races on the fox server. like you say "it`s the easyest car in lfs" and the oval with your words "don`t really require skill beside the normal professional driving skill" so that shouldn`t be a problem for you then to get inside that driving pretty fast. overall racelenght is mostly 5 minutes per race. so 1 race for practice and 2 to race. don`t be affraid...we don`t bite...ok at least i know from the most fm guys but i`m not sure about 510n3d
Quote from Ecret666 :damn...the trolls learned to feed themselves. but i should have expected that cauze i trust the darwin theory. but anyways..you got a damn good point with the first one

@tristancliffe: ahh cmon. i`m sure you can quit it for one or maybe even for halfe an hour to come racing with us. or at least take your time for 15 minutes and do one or two 8 lappers with us on the oval or 1 or 2 races on the fox server. like you say "it`s the easyest car in lfs" and the oval with your words "don`t really require skill beside the normal professional driving skill" so that shouldn`t be a problem for you then to get inside that driving pretty fast. overall racelenght is mostly 5 minutes per race. so 1 race for practice and 2 to race. don`t be affraid...we don`t bite...ok at least i know from the most fm guys but i`m not sure about 510n3d

did he really say those

those are some deep quotes
Quote from Ecret666 : @tristancliffe: ahh cmon. i`m sure you can quit it for one or maybe even for halfe an hour to come racing with us. or at least take your time for 15 minutes and do one or two 8 lappers with us on the oval or 1 or 2 races on the fox server. like you say "it`s the easyest car in lfs" and the oval with your words "don`t really require skill beside the normal professional driving skill" so that shouldn`t be a problem for you then to get inside that driving pretty fast. overall racelenght is mostly 5 minutes per race. so 1 race for practice and 2 to race. don`t be affraid...we don`t bite...ok at least i know from the most fm guys but i`m not sure about 510n3d

We'll see. It's impossible to just spend half an hour on LFS though. If I start playing, I'll be playing it all night!
Do you mostly play in the evenings during the week, or just some days?
@logitekg25: overall quote from him "The idea of racing the FOX (the easiest car in LFS) on the oval (the easiest track in LFS) really doesn't interest me. The FO8 or LX6 or UF1 on Kyoto Long or South City Town would be much more appealing."

so the first one is a real quote and the secound one was more as a two post word taking quote there related also to the conversation to the oval and nascar talking. so sorry if i misquoted!

@tristancliffe: for me it really depends what mood i`m in. sometimes i just watch some races and sometimes i race. i used to race in the evenings when i was self employed working 14 to 15 houres a day 6 days a week and doing the paperwork on sundays. maybe my girlfriend at that time plus my working on my cars (repairing and so called "tuning") might be also worthy to bring in. so i was able to get myself an hour or at least half an hour to sit there and race. i was also away from lfs playing other games but i would say i can get half an hour at least every day to do what i want. so you might see that i know what i`m talking about if i ask about something like that. to put it in short words: i worked my ass of, had a girlfriend and used to work on my cars nearly every days (sometimes even on cars from friends) and still got the time to have some races or at least sit and watch.

you just have to behave yourself to not play all night long.
#216 - Zay
Grats Failure. thats an awesome achievment. And tristancliffe, Failure is on fox junkies server alot of the time so he does not only just race on oval. also, Oval racing requires just as much as the talent that road racing does,and before you come back and reply to this post,think about what you are going to say first.

Oh yes, and for those of you that are insulting Failure, like tristan, you are making yourselvs look like jealous losers(just lettin ya know).

Congrats! Not only over 1000000 km, but almost 80 % 1st, 2nd or 3rd in over 30000 races.
Quote from tristancliffe :Most of those drivers are relative unknowns. How many NASCAR drivers have done well in European races? But don't make it just about NASCAR - I'm speaking of pretty much all US racing.

Why does someone have to be recognized in Europe in order to be considered "talented"? Of course, in the world of open wheel motorsports, Europe is the center, but is that necessarily the case with closed wheel racing? Touring Car/GT/Stock Car are quite fairly spread out. Besides the 24h of Le Mans, you have V8 SuperCar in Australia. One of the premier series in the world. 12h of Sebring, and 24h of Daytona in American. Dont forget Rolex Sports can and ALMS in North America. So, since so many "talented" people have made their mark in other places besides Europe...why should they bother to go over? For the sake or recognition from Europeans? Does everyone (including Asia) needs "Europe's seal of approval" to be considered talented?

Quote from tristancliffe :Doesn't mean the drivers are especially talented though...

12h of Sebring, 24h of Daytona...premier events. Why shouldn't they be considered talented? Why do they have to go to Europe and "prove" themselves there in order to be considered talented?

Quote from tristancliffe :That's not what I said. The car is king. The same applies in all forms of motorsport. But talent is still required. Unless you think Maior Jr just had a worse car than Alonso.

Piquet Jr might have shined in another team and probably a more supportive team. No one drive in F1 can really fully determine talent due to so many factors BESIDES the driver (car, team, management, etc). Only real incidator of talent is if a driver takes the worst car on the grid and brings it to a win (Vettel). But besides that, how would you judge talent? Look at Zanardi, are you going to say Zanardi has no talent?

Quote from tristancliffe :They certainly aren't coming over to further their careers though!!!!! It's a bit like wrestling - they're no doubt good atheletes (the wresters, not the racing drivers), but crap at acting or thinking or fighting. But it's about the show, and catering for the level of fanbase they attract. Same with ovals - it's meant to make Americans go 'yeeee haaaaa' every time someone a small slide.

But they aren't going a step down. You've just won V8 Supercar. ONE OF THE PREMIER CLOSED WHEEL SERIES. Ur basically top of the world in terms of closed wheel. So, what do you do? You hop over to other premier series in closed wheel racing. They aren't "talking a step" down and they aren't necessarily futhuring their careers. But when you are at the top of the world (in terms of closed wheel) with V8 Supercar there isn't anywhere you can go except more premier closed wheel series.

In case you dont know...Ambrose and Wincup are from Australia where 90% of their fans are V8 Supercar fans and watch Australian motorsports. Why on earth would they want to come to NASCAR if they wanted to "appeal to NASCAR's level of fanbase." Quite frankly, before Ambrose and Wincup's interest in NASCAR, Australia couldn't give a rat's ass about NASCAR. In fact, Ambrose got flamed for it before he started to do fairly well.

Exactly how many fans does Lally, Pilgrim, and Pilet has? Despite all three being very talented in NA premier GT events and series? Pilgrim is English, and Pilet is French. I dont think both sides of the world (NASCAR or not) really care if they crossover or not. There's no incentive for them to come to NASCAR except their own. Money might help, but they can get that else where too.

The "typical" NASCAR fanbase wants to see american stock car drivers in stock car series. They do not want to see any crossovers so the idea that people crossover is already laughable to them (doesn't help that not one as done well except Tony Stewart). Yes...ok, lots of things in NASCAR are for a show. But the drivers wanting to crossover isn't one. This isn't a reality show. No one can really make these top tier closed wheel drivers interested in NASCAR, especially if they have to travel all the way from Australia or Europe and live in the US to compete.

Quote from tristancliffe :So now you're trying to tell me that a series that turns in one direction, has tiny speed variations, using antiquated cars has better drivers on the basis that F1 drivers can do well at LeMans but don't do NASCAR? Right...

So, why do you consider closed wheel racing to be on a "lower level" to open wheel?

Quote from tristancliffe :Wow. A US Degree? They must be clever then... Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

1. Dont know what you're implying
2. Yes, US...u know...where Yale, Harvard, Rice, and Juliard are located? :rolleyes:
3. You didn't answer my question

Quote from tristancliffe :Aha, the typing is becoming rushed and text-like. I deduce from this that you are getting a bit annoyed. This amuses me.

I was on my phone, thought it's best to just wait until i get a comp to reply.

Quote from tristancliffe :Erm, read the thread. It is related to ovals. You might also notice that the thread, being about a completely pointless 'achievement' a small child wouldn't boast about, had gone rather off topic, and was all the better for it.

Except Failure himself wasn't the OP (i'm not even sure if he posted here regarding his "achievement"). It's about someone else, thinking it's a good achievement and congradulating him. What's so bad about that? And how is that related to ovals? He's known to drive ovals. Ya, that's the only connection to ovals this thread has. If you actually know him, he hangs a lot in FOX junkies so he hardly just spends his whole day doing ovals.

The connection to ovals is superficial. This is not a tread debating the legitimacy of ovals...clear and simple.

Quote from tristancliffe :Until you came along convinced that NASCAR is the best thing since bread was chopped up. I'm not crying And I'm not pointing fingers. You think it was bait because you're so defensive about oval racing. But it was just my opinion. If you agree that my opinion is worthless then why bother coming back here and replying?

If you have that attitude, they why even bait in the first place? In an thread superficially related to ovals for that matter?

1. I dont think ovals is necessarily "better" than circuits. They are more entertaining to watch for me though.
2. I'm defending ovals because I do not think they are crap? You go on the opposite extreme to say they are a complete waste of tarmac, time and talent. I'm not really that extreme in my opinion. I dont really love ovals all that much. But your opinion is extreme.

Quote from tristancliffe :Ignorant? No. Biased? Maybe.

Have you ever truly watched NASCAR? (Daytona, Talladega) Or IndyCars at Chicagoland? Have you ever participated in any oval sim events? Have you gotten close to wrs on the oval (if they take no skill or talent, then it shouldn't be a problem at all right?...)

Quote from tristancliffe :And this thread IS connect with ovals. Quite strongly.

WHAT? Hardly, it's about an achievement that someone did (posted by someone else besides the person who did the achievement no less). Whether or not you consider that achievement valid is immaterial. This thread is about that achievement. Pure and simple. The oval connection is superficial, the guy likes ovals. But he spends a LOT of his time on FOX Junkies as well.

This is not a thread about the validity of oval racing...in fact, this isn't a thread about ovals at all. It's all you starting a wise crack at ovals that seemed unwarranted. Did the thread say "I think ovals require skill or I think ovals dont require skill"? I think not. In fact, the OP clearly states "I dont care if he's an oval racer". Which means this thread wasn't intended to be about ovals in the first place.

Quote from tristancliffe :Unlike NASCAR

I agree, ARCA has better racing

Quote from tristancliffe :Why does seeing someone express their opinion someone convert to them trying to force it on you?

Merely expressing an opinion and baiting an entire group of people is two different things. You didn't really come here to discuss ovals in a thread that's superficially related to ovals (as explained twice above).

I dont go in F1 threads to bait with F1 being boring (especially Monaco, Valencia and Hungaroring races). I dont purposely lower my IQ and troll OMG BUTTON WINS AGAIN HOW EXCITING. I once in a while express my absolute bordom when watching F1, but I always give way to people who might feel different and listen to them.

See the difference?

Quote from tristancliffe :How competitive were you when you drove a NASCAR? If you haven't, then surely you don't understand either? Or can you understand without driving any race car ever, but I can't???

Actually he has in a sim. Bob's NASCAR and I-SCAR mod. Very realistic to the actual thing and as realistic as LFS can make it.

Quote from tristancliffe :Who is there to respect? NASCAR drivers? Why should I respect them? Why should I respect people that don't deserve respect?

Why do you feel they dont deserve respect? Are you arrogant enough to believe that just because you have real life racing experience that you are automatically better or smarter than NASCAR drivers? Even if I go racing in real life, even if I make it to the top tier in Touring car or GT motorsports, I'll never have the arrogance to self-delude myself in thinking that I am better than NASCAR drivers. What makes you or me better than them? The fact that they drive NASCAR? Pffft, and what makes me (and u) so better that I can just arbitrarily judge them on what limited knowledge I have.

Quote from tristancliffe :Do you respect me? No?

No, but that's related to your conduct on forums, not necessarily what you drive or like. It's really immaterial on what someone likes or dislikes about the person actually. Everything is conduct

Quote from tristancliffe :Then why should I respect others? I refuse to tolerate people just because tolerance is fashionable.

So...if people dont respect you, you just stick the middle finger and walk away and blame them for their lack or respect? Gees, that sounds like some 13 year old lowly educated emo punks that I use to see often in my old high school. "It's not my fault people hate me, it's their fault. Why should I give anyone respect when the whole world hates me? It doesnt matter as long as I'm treated right" :rolleyes:...sure...and we'll see what Fraud has to say about that.
(th84) DELETED by th84
Ahhh, nevermind. Whats the point, really?
Quote from NikLaw :Congrats! Not only over 1000000 km, but almost 80 % 1st, 2nd or 3rd in over 30000 races.

Now that's quite the achievement
Quote from th84 :Whats the point, really?

someone is wrong on the internet
Quote from Shotglass :someone is wrong on the internet

Why is it that once you are on the internet, it is suddenly ok to basically troll your brains out?

Why is causing grief or acting like an ass on the internet suddenly ok? Does the internet have to be some fantasy land where the bullied all of a sudden can be the bullies? Why do people get the urge to be intentionally dense on the internet?

Quote from Shotglass :someone is wrong on the internet

The tooltip that appears when you mouseover on the xkcd page for it says, "What do you want me to do? LEAVE? Then they'll keep being wrong!"

XKCD for the win.

And also, congrats Failure for reaching 1 million kilometres.

This thread reminds me of the good old times. :lovies3d:

Isn't it time for a new Redline thread soon, too? Who will have the honours to start it this time?

We didn't have an "USA sucks" thread in a long time, either. Where's DHRammstein when you need him?