I just hope that i wont have the same issue is last time.
I had problem with control configuration, i couldn t make my pedals to work, and then made a mistake by locking my s2 license when it was my last one available, so i have to wait untul friday to get more unlock and findout if my past issue is resolved.
I hope that l can fix that problem,(any tip is welcome thx)
I cant race at this race.
My steering wheel is fully broken so i sendt it away for maybe getting a new one, because of some program fail at the sensor, and a brake pedal that has a bad spring since i got it.
+ i have somekind of internet so i lose internet then get it back.
You would have to do them anyway. Is there any reason you can't do them because the test race is cancelled? You've got 6 days, you should be practicing anyway, and if you practice the amount we want you to, you should make the 150 target. You need 100 more, that means ~16 per day. You seemed to be fine about it when you couldn't make it because of your cruise. Sorry about being harsh, but it's your fault you have to do the laps, as far as I can gather.
Timezones are hard with Lizardfolk, I'm sure we could knock something up if he was online. (It's cancelled because we can't find admins to do this, for various reasons.) Some NDR admins can help between their races tonight. But Liz needs to know, really.
Please try to be there at 17:30 GMT, I'll see if I can get someone to come along then and admin. I'll trust you lot to organise yourselves . Make a race, or a few, get some laps in, but try to have fun! It's practice, remember, so try to work on passing and being around others generally, as well as getting your laps in. I can't promise this will work out well, please try to stay calm, patient etc. I'm really sorry, this situation is so unfortunate, I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation.
Please bear with us, and remember: YOU are a major factor in the success of this league. Please be sensible, responsible, patient. Practice, stay calm, stay clean.
Good luck guys.
I kinda wrote this in a hurry, plese mexguse ny misatkes@1.
Woah, time flies, doesn't it? 17:30 was 30 mins ago. Sorry. 18:30? Just try to get on the server or something, see if you can get a race in. Again, I'm just so sorry.