There is getting a little annoyed (I get irritated over some people's unfair and ignorant comments about drivers sometimes, but I remain silent usually), and then there is complete intolerance. Yeah ok you hate the team I support, but lets talk about it! Is that not the purpose of a forum? But 'talking about it' does not include making blunt and ignorant statements, ignoring the opinions of others entirely and making personal attacks or false accusations of other members. These are the rules and standards I at least try to play by, I would like it if others would too, in an ideal world anyway, but arseholes will be arseholes I guess, perhaps I should just suffer fools more.
Earlier in this thread you made what I consider would be a provocative post to some people here, so don't try to present yourself as being an innocent victim please.
And I don't add people to ignore lists, resentment will only build if you don't talk, plus I like to improve my English skills. Also, you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.