There is no link. Xbox marketplace or PSN Store. No PC demo yet.
Regarding the demo...
I've played it on PS3 (no gold membership for xbox live atm), and i must say, it does feel a lot better than its predecessor. Sliding is finally possible again, and i felt like playing one of those fun CMR rally games again (even tho, this one still feels more arcade). It's fun to blast through the stages, fun to crash, flip the car, watch the replays.
The physics seem ok to me, still a bit arcade-ish, but more or less ok to have some fun. Something that is still very bad is the weight feel of the car... it feels like i'm driving a cardboard box (light as a feather) tbh.

This might be due to me playing on the PS3 where there is no rumble in the joypad, but i doubt it feels much better on the xbox.
The replays look really nice, with some good cameras. But there is a downside aswell, which is that it looks like it's on fast forward (a little faster, and you could actually play along the benny hill theme song). It looks seriously stupid sometimes.
The best description i have for this game is... GRID. I can't help it, but it feels like they copied a lot from it. It feels like GRID on a loose surface (gravel, mud, whatever). The sliding reminds me of of the drifting in GRID too, it's exactly the same "pseudo sim" arcade control feeling.
I guess i'll wait aswell until it's on discount somewhere. Probably a fun game to kill some time, but nothing really exciting.