I have an exellent idea of marshall thing.
Imagine if a person is upside down, then the shortest way from him to the wall is the line of the marshall, then the insim places a marshall at that X/Y pos. Then gets deleted and getting added again one meter closer to the car, then finally gets in the car, then the car get automaticly spectated.
The admin has another (or the same) insim opened and showing all drivers on track there, then he clickes the driver that is stuck or whatevver. You problably got some other idea that could be added to this but
It could work?
I dont know if it even is possible, but it would be awsome. Please try
Imagine if a person is upside down, then the shortest way from him to the wall is the line of the marshall, then the insim places a marshall at that X/Y pos. Then gets deleted and getting added again one meter closer to the car, then finally gets in the car, then the car get automaticly spectated.
The admin has another (or the same) insim opened and showing all drivers on track there, then he clickes the driver that is stuck or whatevver. You problably got some other idea that could be added to this but
It could work?
I dont know if it even is possible, but it would be awsome. Please try