David Blaine
(36 posts, started )
Quote from Jakg :if it was real would call himself an illusionest?

Yeah some of his tricks are fake like those ones with cards but dont tell me that sphere thing was fake or the one without eating. You saw his condition yesterday?
He wouldn't get half as much publicity if he openly admitted how he does the tricks, would he?

What he does is perfectly possible with the right conditioning, but why would such a talented and highly regarded magician do it the genuine way? The challenge for him is obviously to 'cheat' while making it look as real as possible.

The sphere is just the modern day version of the "look! No hands!" tricks of old. You can't see the strings, doors, food, etc but that doesn't mean they're not there.
Quote from WorldFamous :The sphere is just the modern day version of the "look! No hands!" tricks of old. You can't see the strings, doors, food, etc but that doesn't mean they're not there.

Sure this picture http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage ... /07/470_davidblaine,0.jpg is fake too. The fact that he's in hospital and his stomach organs are not working properly is also fake. Damn I am feeling like reading comments on www.break.com where everything is fake.
eewww. man... when i was little i used to stay in the bath for a really long itme and get wrinkles and my skin... imagine that times 10 and you've got blaine's skin
Quote from P1lot :and suspended a cheeseburger from a remote control helicopter, and hovered next to his cage, LOL

Not to mention the guy that set himself up on Tower Bridge with a large supply of golf balls, his driving club, and proceeded to twat Blaine's box with full-power drives until politely asked to move on by the police.

As for David Blaine himself, I can't stand the twat. Don't care if he spent seven days underwater, don't care if he didn't make a new world record. I'm just surprised there was actually room for any water in his bowl after he'd taken his ego in there.
Quote from STROBE :Not to mention the guy that set himself up on Tower Bridge with a large supply of golf balls, his driving club, and proceeded to twat Blaine's box with full-power drives until politely asked to move on by the police.

As for David Blaine himself, I can't stand the twat. Don't care if he spent seven days underwater, don't care if he didn't make a new world record. I'm just surprised there was actually room for any water in his bowl after he'd taken his ego in there.

it was seven minutes
I think he should try and hold his breath for 7 days the next time In all honesty though I do like the guy, he's a great illusionist, but he's kinda trying too hard with these unspectacular modern art stunts. I think he feels that he's destined to be one of the great legends of the magic/illusionist world, like houdini, copperfield and Paul Daniels I preferred blane when he was a doing street magic instead of this arty pap.

I think his work will be more appreciated when he's dead though, especially if he dies during a stunt, but knowing him his ego would get in the way and he'd have to be ressurected the following Sunday, of course it would all be televised and he'd be seen emerging from a cave, pushing a huge egg shaped rock down a hill that was blocking the entrance to the cave. He'd then start selling chocolate eggs every year to symbolize and commemorate the moving of that rock at his ressurection.
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Sure this picture http://www.smh.com.au/ffximage ... /07/470_davidblaine,0.jpg is fake too. The fact that he's in hospital and his stomach organs are not working properly is also fake.

Meh, he's an illusionist, making you believe is what he does.

You whole heartedly buy into it and that's fair enough, I don't.
Quote from STROBE :Not to mention the guy that set himself up on Tower Bridge with a large supply of golf balls, his driving club, and proceeded to twat Blaine's box with full-power drives until politely asked to move on by the police.

As for David Blaine himself, I can't stand the twat. Don't care if he spent seven days underwater, don't care if he didn't make a new world record. I'm just surprised there was actually room for any water in his bowl after he'd taken his ego in there.

Here here!!
Quote from STROBE :Not to mention the guy that set himself up on Tower Bridge with a large supply of golf balls, his driving club, and proceeded to twat Blaine's box with full-power drives until politely asked to move on by the police.

lol, is there any pictures of that?

David Blaine
(36 posts, started )