I think he should try and hold his breath for 7 days the next time

In all honesty though I do like the guy, he's a great illusionist, but he's kinda trying too hard with these unspectacular modern art stunts. I think he feels that he's destined to be one of the great legends of the magic/illusionist world, like houdini, copperfield and Paul Daniels

I preferred blane when he was a doing street magic instead of this arty pap.
I think his work will be more appreciated when he's dead though, especially if he dies during a stunt, but knowing him his ego would get in the way and he'd have to be ressurected the following Sunday, of course it would all be televised and he'd be seen emerging from a cave, pushing a huge egg shaped rock down a hill that was blocking the entrance to the cave. He'd then start selling chocolate eggs every year to symbolize and commemorate the moving of that rock at his ressurection.