I think race lengths are fine, maybe a little bit short but 50 is way too long, that's like 30 mins(I havnt tested it so not sure). Maybe 30 laps(even still it's prob about 20 mins)
lol, its got nothing to do with whether i live in australia. if i lived in europe, i wouldnt want to do a league that you do a lot of practise for, and you do 20 minutes worth of racing. i just think longer races would be alot better and more interesting for everyone. an 8 lap raace would just feel like a normal pickup race imo.
I think there is good and bad reasons for a 50laps race,
Good reason being if you go off at the start you have many laps to get back to a decent position.
But a bad reason being that the left hand tyres may overheat causing some people to have to do a pitstop