Well, scawen fixed the problem in the demo, where you got a DQ if you pitted in last or 2nd last lap and got a penalty, because you can't do you penalty stop in the last lap (race is over before reaching the end of the pitlane).
It was fixed, now you get a 30/45sec penalty if you're too fast in the last 3 laps.
But the problem is still there if you have a time based raced.
I think scawen should add a time limit where you get a time penalty instead of a DT/S&G, e.g. 5 minutes before the end of the race you get time penalties (like the 3 laps in lap based races)
It was fixed, now you get a 30/45sec penalty if you're too fast in the last 3 laps.
But the problem is still there if you have a time based raced.
I think scawen should add a time limit where you get a time penalty instead of a DT/S&G, e.g. 5 minutes before the end of the race you get time penalties (like the 3 laps in lap based races)