Quote from Bose321 :But what can you do with that double equipment?

Uhhh...give a whole new meaning to Master Bation?
Reminds me of this.
The only difference is that they actually mean serious about this, they want 3..3... 3xxx billions... it's mad!
Quote from The Very End :The only difference is that they actually mean serious about this

Whereas this was clearly a joke that turned serious. Seems Cleese doesn't get the last laugh afterall.
#33 - 5haz
I wonder if this ends in some kind of military operation?

Why Norway would want to spy on the Congo is beyond me, Norway should have their eye on Kenya.
I hope not. Those two most likely have done something wrong, problem is that it get overshadowed by the utterly retarded court at the moment

And also, even if it would be a little sneak mission, it would be the same as declearing war with them, Congo would never lose their face , aka losing this case without a fight. I do not fear them, but I do not like war, because it's the civilians that will pay, and those people down there has it hard enough allready.
#35 - 5haz
Its understandable that the Congo would be paranoid of outside influence, they have militia from Rwanda raiding their Eastern areas, dodgy businessmen taking their natrual materials and not giving anything back, and their first leader after independance was bumped off on order of Belgium (The Congo was a colony of Belgium) because he was showing sings of leaning uncomfortably towards the left.

But this is obviously more to do with desperation and greed than fear and paranoia, extortion is just about the only way you can make money around that part of the world.
It's kind of ironic that they think the king of Norway would send two random guys to a poor country to make easy money when it's one of the financially strongest countries in the world right now. It's like Bill Gates sending two Microsoft employees to the local train station with a guitar and a hat hoping to make a few extra dollars busking. I think Norway should send them an oil tanker full of paperclips and fish just to take the piss.
Lol Atc!

Well, you are right on that, due to our luck with the oil we stand fairly good econmic nowdays, compared to other countries in these hard times as they are described.

Either way, I don't really feel that much sympaty for these two mens, because they must have done something wrong. I mean, who travvel to one of the most corrupt and unstable countried in the world, with false ID papers? But the court is a joke too, and sadly it's overshadowing the case with these silly amounts they demands.

Also, some of the vitnesses did not want to swear the oath, and guess what - they were allowed to be use as vitness against these two