*petition for [LFS] name changing*
(172 posts, closed, started )
i wanted to include one last point in my last opst, but i forgot what it was, and i would edit it but nobody would look back at it now

it is against lfsforum rules to create 2 accounts even if you buy s2 in it (so then you would have 2 s2 accounts)

i want my name to be red-bull
Quote from logitekg25 :i wanted to include one last point in my last opst, but i forgot what it was, and i would edit it but nobody would look back at it now

it is against lfsforum rules to create 2 accounts even if you buy s2 in it (so then you would have 2 s2 accounts)

No it's not against the rules although all moderators know that you're the same person. Why you'd want to do that is beyond me. This whole thing is a sham!
Think of your user name like a tattoo, it is hard to remove, costs money to do so and many my not recognise you again oh and it's a pain

Quote from Mp3 Astra :No it's not against the rules although all moderators know that you're the same person. Why you'd want to do that is beyond me. This whole thing is a sham!

While it's not against the rules to have two S2 accounts, it is requested that only one account be used for posting on the forum. I stick to that rule in most cases, the only time I don't is when I'm leaving a post which another member might not recognise me by my new user name but would likely remember me by my old one

My old acc was B2B@300 not easy for people to remember and a very unmeaningful name, Glenn67 on the other hand is my name + year born which is a much more meaningful and easier to remember user name

i made this when i was 13. it sucks and i want Hans_R or sumthin.
Quote from VoiD :Is this "stupid threads week" or what...

just one of 52 per year, nothing special :P
Quote from pik_d :Put this in your sig, problem solved.

It's no longer an issue or matters (if it ever did) and besides sigs suck.
Quote from Greboth :While I can appreaciate people have chosen a name that they no longer like. I have to say it does say when your sign up that you will be stuck with the name so any faults with the names is your own.

I'm fairly sure though, that in the early days you were not warned about not being able to change your username.

I recall when I purchased S1 there was no warning at all.
Quote from Gunn :I'm fairly sure though, that in the early days you were not warned about not being able to change your username.

I recall when I purchased S1 there was no warning at all.

Personally, it's not something I bother to look for, it's not like you can't change your drivername in game. So the whole point is moot.

I already made such a thread long time ago.
Quote from 91mason91 :No this should not be implemented as it clearly states when you choose your username that you cannot change it [...]

That's hilarious. The reasons why it isn't made possible would be arguments against an implementation, not the pure statement that it's not possible.

That's like obeying laws because they're written in a code of law and not because they serve a purpose.

Quote from pearcy_2k7 :[...]
All the people saying "they need to learn a lesson", seriously, WTF, we didn't torture a kitten and get a £50 fine[...]

The reason is simple: Devs say they don't change user names by request. Live with it
Quote from tiagolapa :The reason is simple: Devs say they don't change user names by request. Live with it


I don't think this thread is going anywhere... Mod?
Quote from Bandit77 :Naaaah... there's a key in game that you can press to toggle from racername to username. Forgot which key... haven't played for a long time.

As Far As I Know it should be CTRL + SHIFT (both left keys)
For those of you who just want capitals or whatever in your username then just go to the unlock page and change the capitals in your username, it seems really obvious to point out but not a lot of people know that you can do this.
When I registered I wanted a serious name, but accidentally I put in lococost instead of cocolost... Now I'm scarred for life! I think a prosecution is in order here!
Sorry folks. Was just passing through, and spilt my tea on the petition. That means you're gonna have to start again.

Quote from carey :...(although it seems to be an American trait to use controller/wheel names on here)...

You're right, I wanted to sign up as "Atari2600Joystick" but it was already taken.
Looks like America has caught up with sarcasm, now there’s just irony to master.
It would have to be really controlled, one idea would be paying for it, but that doesn't fit with LFS.

On the other hand it would require a major rewrite, as an user wouldn't be linked to a single name, that means unique IDs for everyone plus changes in everything. So umm.. +0,5
Quote from carey :Looks like America has caught up with sarcasm, now there’s just irony to master.

i have both down
Signed. On the condition you paid £24 but got to keep your stats and your old username was clearly visibly on LFSW.

The only problem would be that the banning system would need to move from a username to a userid system...
This thread is closed

*petition for [LFS] name changing*
(172 posts, closed, started )