Someone keeps sending me this message over MSN, dont have a clue what it means nor do I know what language it is. Thought I'll ask here as it's got a lot of people from all around the world. How someone can help.
The message:
wewe dont tunayajua im wakisema haha Na ninyi kamwe kujua
Looks like Swahili, couldn't give you a translation though
edit: Been very long since I had any dealings in Swa, so I could be completely wrong here. I make it out to be something like "You don't know [what] I'm saying haha and you never did"
Just because i love my alternative chicks, somehow i listen to what? Emo/Metal/Grind?
My bad, so you just have no style what so ever?
The only bit that saved you hear is the Dance music bit.
But with your love for R&B and going to say your Dance music is shitty, commercialised crap.