Because I can.
A few things to mention here, because I feel like it and it needs done

Some Shameless Series Promotion: LFSCART Light Winter Series 2010
Yeah, it says 2010, but it starts in 2009, infact, it starts in September 11th 2009. It's NDR's LFSCART Light Winter Series, using the FOX on various courses in LFS. Designed to be the feeder series into LFSCART, it will run in the LFSCART off-season span, and hopefully feed interest into both series reciprocally. Find out informations such as rules, schedule, and how to sign up at
Some More Shameless Series Promotion: MiniFBM Series 2009
Okay, so you might say, "What the F**k is the MiniFBM ?" It is an FBM, with a 25% intake restriction. Okay, fine, now you're saying "But the FBM is a lame underpowered car anyway !" to which we say, "Nah, the MiniFBM provides some very fun, close racing, but it won't do so unless you sign up now !"

We've got about 16 signups now, and are looking for plenty more to fill out this season, which starts at Fern Bay Gold Reversed on 20th September. MiniFBM Series races on a mixture of autocross tracks, and some of the shorter permanent circuits. Last season proved the potential of the restricted FBM, but the restriction then was a bit too much and choked the acceleration too much, making the whole thing sluggish. So, we let it open up a bit more, but still kept the feeling that we wanted. So, check out the MiniFBM section for rules, schedule, information, and signups at
Servers, Servers, and More Servers
So, we used to have one server, called
Whatever the next event was. Well, realising that multitasking one server like that got annoying, so why not ask politely for a couple sponsored servers. So, I asked the fine folks at
RaceSIM Servers if they might be willing to offer us a couple servers in exchange for some plugs, mentions, name-dropping, and subliminal advertising, and they agreed. So, our server complement is up to three (3) now.
We'll still keep the one we've got from 500 Servers, and we may even bring back on that one the wonderful world of
Public Racing ! We had it on TBO back in the early months of the year, but once we started going into hundreds of events a weekend, that idea kinda went out (oh yeah, another reason to get more servers). We'll continue to keep the 500servers server going, and once LFSCART finishes, we are very much so considering bringing it back. We have a few thoughts going around that way for what to run on it, but we'll announce those closer the time.
In the meantime, our servers are currently called the following:
LLWS 2010
MiniFBM 2009
Feel free to join in as you wish, and if you wait long enough, maybe some more will show up. I'll work on getting them all set up with Airio to add some more fun.
Oh yes, we also have our own Ventrilo server now, as long as we keep forking over a predetermined by the providing company amount a month. Detalis were posted on the last page, but since you're (hopefully) reading this, here's the info again:
Port: 3828
Feel free to pop in if you're around in our servers, and one of us may be in there too. Otherwise, keep it in your servers list for whenever you participate in our events.
Entry Fees Updated
After some thoughts and discussions about the entry fees, we've added "Season Pass" type fees to the Schedule of Fees. They are overall cheaper on the whole if you plan to enter many of our events during the year, and even may be heavily discounted if you even do one season. Check out the updates here at my just a bit ago post detailing the update. But even if you don't race in our events, but appreciate all we do in LFS, from running the events to all the broadcasts we do, do consider donating to us. I collect all the donations and fees to my PayPal, and I track them reliably to ensure they get spent properly. If you wish to donate, look for the PayPal Donate button on our website or contact me for information by PM here on the forum.
So that about sums it up. Happy racing !