Dirt on tires - what am I doing wrong?
I've been working on a goal of trying to master the XFG @ Blackwood, and so far I've gotten into the 33.5's. As I've been focusing on using every inch of track surface to shave off time, I'm having a lot of trouble with the car sliding as a result of touching dirt. I can clip a small amount of grass in a corner, run all the way down a long straight, and then slide off of the track as if I hit a patch of oil in the next corner. I've also noticed that sometimes you only have to touch a rumble strip to put the tires into "dirt mode". Is this just poor implimentation of the effects of dirt on tires, or is there something I'm not getting?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Quote from Highside! :I've been working on a goal of trying to master the XFG @ Blackwood, and so far I've gotten into the 33.5's. As I've been focusing on using every inch of track surface to shave off time, I'm having a lot of trouble with the car sliding as a result of touching dirt. I can clip a small amount of grass in a corner, run all the way down a long straight, and then slide off of the track as if I hit a patch of oil in the next corner. I've also noticed that sometimes you only have to touch a rumble strip to put the tires into "dirt mode". Is this just poor implimentation of the effects of dirt on tires, or is there something I'm not getting?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Well I'm not much of a racer but they will probably tell you to upload a replay.
Indeed, a replay would help a lot. I've never gotten dirt on my tires from rumble strips though...
I'll do some racing tonight and try to capture an example on a replay. The final left hander before start/finish is the main area that I seem to get dirt without touching dirt. If I run a bit wide and put 2 wheels on the rumble strip, the car will then push the front end a bit in turn 1. Maybe there is some sort of setup issue involved with what is happening, but I believe I'm using the most recent Nilex set from Team Inferno, so I would think that setup is as good as any. Although I see replays of the fastest guys taking liberties in the same spots I am, but it doesn't seem to have nearly as drastic of an effect on their cars.
On different tracks the affects are different, on some tracks you seem to put just an edge of a wheel over and your tyre will collect dirt on others you can put a wheel almost entirely off the track without collecting dirt. You just get to know where you can get away with it and were you can't. It also depends on your set up in some circumstances for example inside curb a set up can keep the inside wheel in the air thus not collecting dirt

This is one area that I think we will see change in with the new tyre physics, I suspect that the outside tyre currently takes on too much dirt at the moment when you touch dirt because the outside wheels are currently taking too much load.
#6 - bbman
Quote from Highside! :I've been working on a goal of trying to master the XFG @ Blackwood, and so far I've gotten into the 33.5's. As I've been focusing on using every inch of track surface to shave off time, I'm having a lot of trouble with the car sliding as a result of touching dirt. I can clip a small amount of grass in a corner, run all the way down a long straight, and then slide off of the track as if I hit a patch of oil in the next corner. I've also noticed that sometimes you only have to touch a rumble strip to put the tires into "dirt mode". Is this just poor implimentation of the effects of dirt on tires, or is there something I'm not getting?

If you have the dirt indicator in the F9 display showing that your tyres are indeed dirty, then yes - otherwise you're probably experiencing the effect a cambered corner has on handling...

Quote from Highside! :I'll do some racing tonight and try to capture an example on a replay. The final left hander before start/finish is the main area that I seem to get dirt without touching dirt. If I run a bit wide and put 2 wheels on the rumble strip, the car will then push the front end a bit in turn 1. Maybe there is some sort of setup issue involved with what is happening, but I believe I'm using the most recent Nilex set from Team Inferno, so I would think that setup is as good as any. Although I see replays of the fastest guys taking liberties in the same spots I am, but it doesn't seem to have nearly as drastic of an effect on their cars.

You're sure you haven't clipped the grass a bit by ramming over that curb and presumably be launched in the air quite a bit? The faster guys may already take that bit of dirt into account already and/or are just plain faster through the corner even with dirty tyres...
#7 - J@tko
Quote from Highside! :I've been working on a goal of trying to master the XFG @ Blackwood, and so far I've gotten into the 33.5's. As I've been focusing on using every inch of track surface to shave off time, I'm having a lot of trouble with the car sliding as a result of touching dirt. I can clip a small amount of grass in a corner, run all the way down a long straight, and then slide off of the track as if I hit a patch of oil in the next corner. I've also noticed that sometimes you only have to touch a rumble strip to put the tires into "dirt mode". Is this just poor implimentation of the effects of dirt on tires, or is there something I'm not getting?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

This does seem slightly strange as the stuff comes off your tyres pretty quick. Just a stab in the dark - is wind on?
I experience the same thing as the OP. Whenever i get a bit of dirt in the tyres just before the last turn, i know the next lap is ruined (1st split more than 29.95), because i will have to turn much slower than normal as not to slide off the track.
Quote from LiveForBoobs :I experience the same thing as the OP. Whenever i get a bit of dirt in the tyres just before the last turn, i know the next lap is ruined (1st split more than 29.95), because i will have to turn much slower than normal as not to slide off the track.

But do you also get dirty tyres from just driving on the rumble strips and not in the dirt/grass like the op?

I have to say I have never had any dirt come onto the tyres (F9 display) without actually driving through some, of course if I load up the right tyre enough as Glenn says above I can cut a little grass with the left tyre knowing its not going to pick up much because its close to or fully off the ground, but with turn entrances like BL1 last turn you are loading the outside right tyres and thats where the dirt is so of course it will pick up more/faster.

Do you chaps that get dirt from the track/rumble strips have the latest standard version 0.5Z installed or have you upgraded from a previous version?
Have you got any additional 3rd party track textures installed?
I am thinking if its just blackwood could it be a mixup with an upgraded version of LFS, because as we all know BL1 track surface has changed position since it had the track update.

So this is going to be a stupid question... I've been playing this game for a long while now and never noticed the "dirt indicator" on the F9 tire display... anyone care to shed some light on what i'm not looking at?
Quote from Darkkness :So this is going to be a stupid question... I've been playing this game for a long while now and never noticed the "dirt indicator" on the F9 tire display... anyone care to shed some light on what i'm not looking at?

Read this.
An orange bar will pop up in the middle of the tyre, the larger it is the more dirt.
honestly,i never knew it,but also i never cared about those
You should care cause it can slow your corner speed alot, especially at the 2nd chicane at bl1 if you have dirty tyres, the car just slides and you have to take it at a much slower speed.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :You should care cause it can slow your corner speed alot, especially at the 2nd chicane at bl1 if you have dirty tyres, the car just slides and you have to take it at a much slower speed.

yeah but im not playing for 6 months now (i went up for few laps at weekend,and you can see that time/out )