Honestly, the whole story doesn't suprise me much as the incident looked very very weird...
1) This place was one of the best on the track to create a Seafty car situation : very narrow portion, not so much marshalls posts. Calling a Seafty Car was probably the only way to put a stopped car in the other side of the fence.
2) Piquet went off in a very strange fashion, spinning after having put too much throttle too soon, ending in the interior wall : the sort of incident we only see in the back of the field in feeder series. The fact is that simulating a crash going too wide and hitting the inside wall would have looked much more "realistic", but would have been too much dangerous, as this would have meant to take the risk to be collected by someone coming from behind.
3) Alonso was the shorter than everyone else on fuel at the start, on a 3 stops strategy. This sort of bet can work if you enter in Q3, but is very rare in the 2nd part of the grid, where almost everyone choose to have a long 1st stint with a 2 stop strategy, or to be on a 1 stop strategy.
Last thing, if the FIA succeed to proove that Renault really cheated, I would really be surprised if they give the victory to Rosberg : I can't really see someone deem as winner of an event only 1 year later it actually took place... This would be the best way to give more to say on the scandal to the medias, and even if Ecclestone likes when the medias talk about F1 whatever the reason, I would be surprised if his dear friend decide to put more oil on the fire, a few months before he leave the FIA...