Been a busy sleepless week, somehow thought yesterday was Sunday and never even bothered to check, lol. Ah well, not like this is the most important thing.
Anyway, how you like the new layout?
Sorry to anyone who expected there to be another day of WWCC4 but yeah, I been smokin' some mad sh!tz lately, lol.
It's cool for me, I wasn't able to run last week anyway. When I checked on the results, I saw you were premature and I thought, what kind of paint is my man U4IK sniffing this week. Must've moved up to the gold metalflake.
I'll be sure to get a time entered for this week. Just make sure your head is clear for the weekends' challenges when it counts, okay? Try to keep this a class operation.
I took this layout for a spin ... my first time. I was expecting something a little different, but I did enjoy it. My friend Vince and I spent a good amount of time trying to get clean laps ... we were never successful. lol.
I had issues seeing a couple of the gates ... one was in a shadow and some of the others had red posts on the opposite sides from the actual gate. I found this confusing as the spacing was close to the gate spacing and I found myself aiming for the wrong place in a few spots.
I think it would have been cool to throw in a slalom or 2 on the course, but that's just me. I had a blast driving it.
Thanks for having a go and to be honest, I'm not making the layouts easy, in fact, I'm trying to make them difficult, unpredictable, that kind of direction. And I deliberately put that gate in the shadow coming up the hill to the fast left hander, so as to catch people who would automatically go for the fastest line and go as far right as possible. So it will always be part of these challenges to catch people out and, well, challenge them. This is also the reason I don't use different colour cones for gates and such, it actually makes you look and concentrate more. And it's only in the last two layouts have I used restricted areas because, as the tracks get longer it gets harder to stretch the objects over the whole course. Restricted areas and route checkers don't take up object slots so I use them in place of extra barriers or cones.
Not sure what your definition of a slalom is but I thought I put 2 into this layout?
Anyway, thanks for turning up and having a go. Now you know the course you should come back on Friday when the fifth WWCC will start, with the chosen car(s), and see can ye get in the points.
Again, thanks for having a run and good luck for the weekend challenge!
I can see what you're saying about those being slaloms, but I was just thinking something more open ... more room for error without it being obvious.
And the the thing I had issues with is that I look ahead as far as possible. So, I look ahead and just see a row of cones with a vertical thing out to the side, only to find that the vertical thing is the post and not a cone. I just don't see that as difficulty ... I see it being confusing. But, we've disagreed before, right? =)
I'll plan to hop on next weekend too. Thanks for hosting these.
I'm slow at these things, so I can understand the challenge involved with going through the gates quickly without nipping a cone. But if you've ever seen what U4IK derived these challenges from, the Project Gotham Racing games for the Xbox/Xbox 360, you'd think these were a relative piece of cake.
I sure as hell know it ain't easy just negotiating the gates, and there are sim physics in the mix this go around. But imagine having to link the gates within 2-3 seconds either by speed or a slide to keep a points (kudos) counter going for the entire 2 laps. Combine that with the necessary style scores earned during the laps just to reach the top ten on the scoreboards. And oh yeah, throw in a time limit. Yes, like I said, we're talking sim physics in LFS vs. arcade and best with a gamepad physics in PGR, but U4IK was/is a master at PGR. Be glad he can't add in most of the PGR variables.
A slalom is a slalom, no? What you mean by "more room for error without it being obvious"? I'm open to suggestions, so I'd like to see what you actually mean.
And when you "see a row of cones" pointing to say the right, you think that going left is the way to go? And the first time you get spectated for going into a "Restricted Area", you should then realise that that was the wrong way to go.
Also, anything new to people can be confusing, no matter what it is, but once you learn it then it becomes a challenge to actually master it. Of course eveyone will miss that gate in the shadow, why would you look there in the first place? But once you know it's there, will you miss it again? I doubt it...
Yeah, as Heavy has said, the original cone challenges in PGR2 are a hell of a lot more difficult than anything created in LFS. 2 laps, getting each gate within 2 seconds AND keeping your kudos points ticking, was not a easy task, but once you mastered the tracks/gates, it became a little easier to judge your lines. Which is exactly the same here, once you get the track it becomes a battle between you and the course, you try your hardest to get that fast clean run. And that's why some of the fastest in LFS enjoy this new challenge.
Yeah, it's slalom, which btw is pretty easy to spell. Even saying it sla.. not slo...
And I have already created a new layout with a slalom, at the end of a long straight, which gets tighter as it gets closer to the corner.
And just so people know, these restricted areas are only there because route checkers don't work after one lap, so on the second lap you could just take the fastest route without even going through the gates. When the next official patch comes out route checkers will work for more than 1 lap, so, if you miss a gate in a shadow somewhere, you'll get spectated anyway at the next gate for missing that gate. It's basically the same thing though.
So, anyway, everyone is in the same boat when a new challenge is released but it's the fast clean drivers who get to grips with the layout quicker than others, are you one of them? Join the [url="lfs://|Cone+Challenge|0|S2|/"]Cone Challenge[/url] server and find out!
Not being fast, and I might be wrong, but I'd imagine the fast guys simply treat the gates as new corners and chicanes to learn, like any new track. Each has its own apex. If you look at each gate merely as an obstacle to get by (as I do), you're making it harder on yourself.
When looking far ahead you can't always tell which way the cones are pointing ... at least I can't. But I might just be blind ... lol. And by room for error I mean that a gate has a defined inside and outside, where an open slalom does not. This allows for different lines .. some good and some bad.
Cool, I see you made a couple of other vids too. It would be great if more people made vids of their fastest time, wish I could but FRAPS kills my fps which makes it impossible to make a vid.
Fudge it. I try my first lap staying in second gear to get a bead on the gates for the first time, and I get spectated for being too slow. Kinda hard to learn that way, but fair is fair, those are the rules and I did read them before I started. This ain't for no casual types like me, I guess.
Sorry, U4IK, I wanted to take a stab at these each week in support, but obviously I'm way out of my league.
I'll pop in to spectate from time to time. It's cool to watch the hot shoes at work.
Damn, I never even tested that for this layout. I had it set to 60 for each sector when I started using Airio. I should have increased the allowed time for this longer track, sorry about that HEAVY. The reason I have this is because when a lot of people a driving the course, someone doing over 60 second per split will be constantly holding up the fast runners. But then, when the track is empty and people, like yourself, want to take their time to learn the layout, they get spectated.
Ok, so I'll increase the time limit per sector to 90. I did intend to do this because the last challenge has shorter sector/splits.
That's a very good reason and I support that. I think 60 seconds per sector is reasonable. With a take-your-turn type of thing as this, you need to keep out the riff raff.
My problem this go around was personal. You know how I've always been at odds with the cones. Combine that with me having somewhat of a harder time picking out the gates from the backround on this layout and the forced in car view, and I'm not sure 90 seconds would be enough until I get some sort of rhythm down without hitting a cone. As hard as I had to work to get golds on the PGR2 ccs, nicking a cone has become a bonafide phobia of mine.
And I'm even more nervous if someone else is running because I absolutely do not want to hold them up. My only alternative is to wait until 1 AM in hopes no one else is on the server.
If only there was the ability to it set up like PGR2's weekly challenges, where each player's run is independent, without having to worry about holding up or catching someone. Then you wouldn't have to bother with setting sector times. And numbnuts like me could take all of the time they wanted to learn the course.
If you want to learn then layout the go into shift + u mode, and save the layout (bottom right), and have a look at it offline - then come online and beat everyone else!
You can do that or you can click the link in my sig "WWCC Layouts & Setups" and there you'll find all the cone challenges, CC1 to CC5, including some setups for each layout.
On this video I made a Fastest Lap but the Total Time is not good at all.
And on this one you can see the Total Time improved but with a not good Fastest Lap, as I writed in the video comment on xfire... I lost too much time on the second lap because I was really stressed when I saw the splits and final time of the first lap hahaha. You can notice how I hit the wall when I started the second lap lol.
Anyway I liked the layout and the behavior of the car with setupgrid set, the problem is that I didn't have time on Saturday and today to try to improve my time.
Congratulations by the layout U4IK ST8, I like this type of competitions but this time not many people participated.
This is the sixth cone challenge and is at Aston Club reversed. Two gates in this challenge are under 4 metres and they are at the fastest section of the challenge so beware! I've also tried to make the restricted areas more visible by using marshals instead of poles this time.
You can find the layout and an XRT setup in my sig, also the results from WWCC 5.
Join the [url="lfs://|Cone+Challenge|0|S2|/"]Cone Challenge[/url] server and lets see can you predict what car will run next weekends challenge!