The online racing simulator
I'm going to fiddle around with the program some more, but I have no clue at all if I can fix the multiplayer problems or the look left/right functions.
that would be fantastic. =D
Ok, updated first post with new version that hopefully includes working joystick input for looking left and right.
Quote from Rotareneg :Ok, updated first post with new version that hopefully includes working joystick input for looking left and right.

roger that. will test in a few moments.
Ok. it worked wonderfully. I had to run the program as an administrator or it wouldn't stay open on Vista.

Though I do have something I noticed.. when looking left or right, it didn't do the smoothing thing it usually does. It just looked directly left or right. Is that part of the code or did i forget to set that somewhere... ?

One thing i did try to test (because i figured you didn't code for it ) is that when you flip the car... > > you spin around.... o.o like... your vision goes in a complete circle...

> > maybe if you could create a maximum degree, and when it's behind that degree you kind of just... go back to your normal view or something.... ? cause currently my neck is at a 90 degree angle in game

Last thing i noticed is that if the outsim loses connection at all, the view will stay at the last view sent in by the program until the program reconnects eg. I took a screenshot on 2 wheels, then the view got stuck like that for about 2-5 seconds.

but other than those slightly detailed problems, it's working pretty good..

(not just with side roll, but with front roll as well)

but you might want to set limits... XD one time i ramped and i was facing up at my ceiling XD
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Quote from Rotareneg :Ok, updated first post with new version that hopefully includes working joystick input for looking left and right.

Does it work in Z15? I'm trying to use it but the application automatically closes saying "There is no input_cfg.txt file".
I can't create it because I don't know how to use configure_joystick.exe, since I don't have a joystick and I don't know which ID to use (it asks for a ID). I play on mouse and keyboard, what can I do?
I guess you could use my input config file. You won't be able to look left and right, but it'll work i guess (maybe)
Attached files
input_cfg.txt - 50 B - 354 views
Oops! I didn't think about what would happen if you didn't have a joystick/wheel, sorry. And the config file won't help, the program aborts as soon as it tries to open the non-existent device. I'll fix it so that it doesn't try to use the joystick if there isn't an input config file. Getting it to read the keyboard is actually harder than the joystick because the keyboard input is locked to whatever application has focus, LFS in this case.
I do have to say, it adds a whole new bit of immersion (if you arn't flipping or anything of that nature at least.... XD)

Ok, new version with separate pitch and roll limiters to keep the camera from going too bonkers when rolling your car.

If you're using a keyboard and/or mouse I don't think there's much I can do to get the look function to work. I did fix it so it'll run, but you won't be able to look left/right. If there's a input_config.txt file in the folder with camlevel.exe delete or rename it and camlevel should load up now.

Oh, and you'll probably want to minimize camlevel's window, the current version of pygame has some debugging code accidentally left on so it'll spam the window with SDL messages with might effect performance very slightly if they're scrolling away while visible.
Thank you so much, it works now, however I've got a problem when it connects to LFS. I managed to take a screen shot of it.
When the program connects to LFS, it closes itself, leaving this message.

Connected to LFS...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 94, in <module>
pitch, roll = (outsimpack.unpack(outsim.recv(64))[5:7])
socket.error: [Errno 10040] A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself
Attached images
I think that means the receive buffer is overflowing, which it shouldn't if only LFS is communicating on the same port. Only thing I can think to try is to change the outsim port in the camlevel_cfg.txt file.
Any chance of adding the option for the look angle to snap to 90 degrees if you press the opposite direction button while holding down the initially pressed view button? It's rather handy when coming out of the pits in some tracks or rejoining after a spin.
Thank you for picking up on this again, now with the ability to look to the sides it's a must use app for playing LFS. Had two 5 lap races with the TBOs at Aston, and even that felt a lot better than it usually does D:
Quote from xaotik :Any chance of adding the option for the look angle to snap to 90 degrees if you press the opposite direction button while holding down the initially pressed view button? It's rather handy when coming out of the pits in some tracks or rejoining after a spin.

I'll give it a try when I get off work, shouldn't be a problem.
Ok, i love it. Definetly much more refined. I know i'm sounding picky, but I just want this to be the best it could possibly be. :3 Cause it's that awesome.

Bug #1) when you flip, the new system works WONDERFULLY, though it's a bit rough. Just saying. It goes from one extreme to the other when upside down. Anychance to smooth that out a little? Just wondering.

Bug #2) You can not use the track editor thing. > > At least... I couldn't. I got an exception from it... and it kept popping me back to my normal view. Probably could be fixed by pausing after pressing Shift + U and then restarting upon pressing another keybind

Bug #3) There is no Bug #3. It's just an awesome program ^_^
Quote from LFSn00b :

Here's another preview showing also the view keys.

Wow, that was amazing! Actually, it took me a few seconds to realize that was really Live for Speed. I bet that's because of the textures mods and because it's been a long while since I last played with the XFR.
yeah. It adds a whole new sense of immersion.
Ok, updated it to have the same "look further if holding the other look button" function of LFS. You can change both angles in the config file.
Perfect! Thanks a lot for this.
#96 - Byku
I can't download it
Not Found

The requested URL /rotareneg/camlevel2_2009_09_09a.7z was not found on this server.

My bad, accidentally put a space on the end of the file name, fixed now.
#98 - Byku
Wow Mate, totally new feeling! Thanks a lot, Scawen should make those cams default!
Quote from byku :wow mate, totally new feeling! Thanks a lot, scawen should make those cams default! :d

+1 Great work.
The effect is very good, but I can't to use the controls on View menu, so I have a 90º FOV in 3 displays, and I need to put view more down to see the speedo.

It is possible to adjust anywhere?