My last submission
My make believe HTC Android team skin, this is the only one that is remotely realistic (i.e. not over the top flashy or immature like my other ones )
Once again another promotion poster. i like making posters
personally i dont believe that demo users are entering this competition because demo users would spend that much patience and time on a skin that they couldn't use.
Personally i think that people are asking demo users if they can use there account to enter this competition because if you look at some other skins from s2 racers the demo skins are outstanding but i could be wrong.
Why would a licensed user want another licensed account? Don't you think 24 pounds (aka S2 license) is motivation enough for a demo user to try its luck on a skin and see if they can win the competition?
And skinning skills aren't related to a S2 license...
Anyways, there are quite good skins over there, and the lap times are hard to beat.
Good job all!
are u saying that the skins here looks good even compared to the S2 users
now on a more serious note, i am truely a demo racer, i have only started skining just a month ago (in late august i think) and i wanted to make a skin before i even seen this competition just to see if i can do a skin/design like some of the ones ive seen on youtube or around the web. so far ive made 1 "for fun" skins and 3 competition entries, i wanted to try and show my skins to the public to see whehter or not ppl like them, and if they do they might help me upload to lfsw, if no one uploads, i still noe that my designs are somewht aprrecitated despite the lack of audience during online play
i say this not to be mean or anything, im not trying to say that u hate demo players but i just want you to know that, me, as a demoer, still love this game as much as S2s and would gladly spend time on making skins that no one will see online
Ye thats exactly what im saying some of the skins are better than the majority of s2. That is good work you must seriously love lfs to spend that much time on a skin.
While I agree it would be possible what you said about S2 users but then again, even S2 users spend many hours (I think my longest skin took about 15 hours to make) so yes we skinners do love lfs.
True. Skinning ability comes from aesthetic sense, skill in graphic designing software and long hours invested on ideas. One mustn't assume that the only thing separating one from this ability is procurement of a software license. The same ability may have been developed independently, so it would be wrong to assume that all those who work in graphics have necessarily been drawn to it from games.
As I wrote on the first site, I'll compete and this is my entry. I said I'd do it within the first two weeks but this was not possible unfortunately.
For this reason I will compete with three plus two skins. I hope you accept this.
You'll have to rename the skinfiles after download and I apologise for this.
Agreed. For LFS you buy a licence, which means even when S3 comes out you will still be able to play S2 content. Just like now there are people who are S1 licenced but they can only play with the S1 content. This includes online, you would only be able to race combos where the content is S1 and not S2, or S2 content and not S3.