500 is okay, adelaide i have fallen in love with though.

Is there any way to change from KPH to MPH by the way?
learn how to divide by 1.6 on the fly?
I really enjoyed the Abarth. Great fun indeed. Nice to see a sim doing well and improving in their beta (!) before they make this version ready to go.
(carey) DELETED by carey
I love the close ratio box The drag race off the grid is classic, all you hear is Baa baa baa baa as everyone bounces the redline. Just be sure to smash 2nd and 3rd quickly

I hope to see some good races tonight, still find im being hit off because of some sleepy driver that cant find the brakes.
Yeah, too many times have I bogged down at the bloody start shifting from 2nd to 3rd... almost has me wonder if I should use a ****ing clutch.

Yeah, I had my share of drivers hitting me off, but it's tough as well, for instance I'm driving along and see a good 5-7 ft of clearance to someone, and then see them rocket off in a direction.. It's hard to not think that it might be my fault, and that's I think the issue plaguing it. People hosting servers without good enough connections, or people with just poor connections. It's tough but I've had the opposite, where the netcode works perfectly and I have someone contact me and I don't rocket ship anywhere.
Quote from adamlfs :

I hope to see some good races tonight, still find im being hit off because of some sleepy driver that cant find the brakes.

The introduction of the Abarth has brought in a lot of new drivers, which is great. They all seem to think it's the BTCC out there though, which is a right pain in the arse.

We will get some private racing sorted out at some point though..i promise

Did some full grid testing at GPC last night in the FTarget and F2000 and it was soooo good to get away from the idiots. Fantastic racing and lag/warp free completely. Great stuff!
It was too bad I was asleep for that (because I was up all night lapping the Abarth around various tracks (Try it around Montreal for a laugh, it's not that bad!). I think we should do some weekly events in GPC instead of the season (until 1.1 becomes stable) as I'd never want to go back to 1.03 at this point.
I swear some people are using some kind of speed hack, on the back straight at Snetterton one driver had a 20mph speed advantage over the rest op the grid.
It's a bug. People get in a random collision and instantly gain a tonne of speed. Kunos says he knows exactly what's broken and why so it'll be fixed (if not already is in Dev version).

EDIT: Kunos stated on RSC forums, that it's the turbo that goes mad creating a Super Turbo
This may be a stupid question, but I want to make sure im not the only one And im sure im not.

But with the server list I take it everyone sees the pings of the servers being about 1000+ at most times?
Yeah, and on top of that every server has the same ping. Once I join pings are to a reasonable level but the server browser 3000 isn't an odd ping to see.
Quote from DeKo :500 is okay, adelaide i have fallen in love with though.

Is there any way to change from KPH to MPH by the way?

The speedo is 3 .png files.

It can't be that difficult to change them I imagine.
Bean0: Those PNG files you're thinking of aren't actually used by NKP (at least that any of us users can see)... The speedos are in AIM displays or in the case of the Abarth inside the cockpit, no HUD elements.
Quote from adamlfs :This may be a stupid question, but I want to make sure im not the only one And im sure im not.

But with the server list I take it everyone sees the pings of the servers being about 1000+ at most times?

Refresh the list 2 or 3 times, then you will get normal pings, at least that works for me.
Quote from Bean0 :The speedo is 3 .png files.

It can't be that difficult to change them I imagine.

I imagine it would be, but thats not whats bothering me, its the actual speed being reported in KMH instead of MPH, not how its displayed

im warming to the 500 the more i drive it, getting a setup together thats ridiculously chuckable with not much understeer, starting to be fun.

Mr. Dawes, as soon as i recognised you on the server and tried to say hi, NK crashed. shame, you're bloody quick.

BTW, is there any LFS team i can join on GPC? Would like to get into some proper NK racing but i have to join a team to race?
No I'm not! I'm awfully slow really, just these cars really suit my driving "style" (if you can call it that.).

I dunno, maybe there's some cfg option that I've overlooked regarding MPH/KMH... maybe I'll go search it out.

EDIT: DeKo, I could leave the GPC privateer team and start a team if you'd like? I'm also intending on doing the upcoming GPC season. I'm not saying I'm fast at all in single seaters, but I'm in it to have fun and learn more than winning.
there probably is, ive not really had a good look.

Real names in NK are a pain in the arse, hardly recognise anyone
Well, I've looked through every cfg file from here to Guatemala and see nothing to switch it to MPH.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well, I've looked through every cfg file from here to Guatemala and see nothing to switch it to MPH.

It's not possible. Move along.
That's fine, I am used to KMH anyways... in fact I never look at the speedo anyways, I just... 4th gear for almost every corner and BS my way through the rest of it in the Abarth
Quote from DeKo :

Real names in NK are a pain in the arse, hardly recognise anyone

I was thinking maybe we should have people post and make a list so we know who is who and also get a server :P
Quote from DeKo :there probably is, ive not really had a good look.

Real names in NK are a pain in the arse, hardly recognise anyone

Maybe its the fake names in LFS that are a pain in the.....?

I use my LFS teamname anyway so you should know me.
- Fixed 500 Abarth "turbo" bug

- Fixed 500 Abarth skins longer than 16 characters

- Fixed error message on server list

- Fixed 500 Abarth tyres getting too hot

- Fixed 500 Abarth tyre pressure allowing 0psi

- Changed the topbar behaviour

- *** ACCEPT_VERSION is now 111 for the servers ***

- Fixed remote cars not causing damage

- Fixed "sticky" walls (ex. Newbury last corner)

- Fixed interaction between some wheel controls and virtual cockpit

- Added bad connection alerts from the server

- Allowed server to read the conf file both from My Documents (first) and install dir (second)

- Fixed Aosta track crashing in multiplayer

- Possible fix for no shadows on nvidia 8 serie class cards
Quote from adamlfs :I was thinking maybe we should have people post and make a list so we know who is who and also get a server :P

Would be a good idea yeah if youre up for organising it?

NetKar Pro [v1.3 released]
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