2FAST to demo series, BL 1, FBM. Drivers that will race there (5) they are 2FAST_Emil, Matti, Kimi, Mikru and Simon. The races will be held at [DRUNK] Team server #1 and will beging 18.9 -09 19:00 (Finnish time). There will be a new race every friday until 20.11 -09. The two other teams that we will be competeing against is, [DRUNK] and prossk. We have a good chanse at winning the whole thing. Every teams has 5 drivers and the 3 last drivers in "aika ajo" (qualify?) will fall out. and 12 drivers will race against eachother for the points. there will be a 20min long qualify before the race. and the race is 15 laps. the winner will get 12 point and -2 for every place after that. The winner of this tournament will probably be the best team in Finalnd at the moment.
That's all for now.
Take care, Bilsport.
P.S, If you have a good PB at Bl1 please tell us and you might make the team, and if you Pb isn't that good and you would still like to drive with us I can make you a reserve(just in case :P) and you would probably get to drive a few races atleast.
That's all for now.
Take care, Bilsport.
P.S, If you have a good PB at Bl1 please tell us and you might make the team, and if you Pb isn't that good and you would still like to drive with us I can make you a reserve(just in case :P) and you would probably get to drive a few races atleast.