The browser still technically functions, yes. It's not really usable though, is it? I haven't looked at any guidelines for Human Computer Interaction in the last few years, but I don't think it's a very handy thing to move the controls of the webpage over the screen.
Well It's obviously not useful but it's cool at least in my opinion. I think it would be better if it were low gravity and they kind of floated around.
when they are away, those that have google as homepage, which is a fair few will have the homepage changed, whenthey start up IE, this is what they will be getting. Then sit back and watch the fun develop.
That stuff falls down the screen, shakes around in there and thats it. Cant move it or something, or there is somekinda magic trick to move the text stuff? (feels actually like a pointless program for people who are just very very bored)