Introducing the SSD D1 Championship

This event will be held on Saturday 11th September at 1.30PM UK Time.
How it works:
The points scheme will work in the same way the D1 Grand Prix does, where one driver goes out on the track and drifts, the judges will score the driver on angle, speed and precision. The maximum score a judge can allocate to a driver is 100. Depending on the number of people who participate a certain number of people will progress to the next round.
The track will be the first 4 corners of KY2R.
Each driver will have one practise run or can go straight into their first run if they choose to, if they spin out they're allowed a "one more go" which allows the driver to have a second chance, if they spin out or don't score well on the second run they will have very limited or no chance of progressing into the next round.
When every driver has done their qualifying run (individual runs), depending on their score they will progress to the next round where two drivers drift against each other.
The driver who scores the most will then have the advantage and the two drivers drift again but in reverse order (driver A starts ahead of B, next run driver B will start ahead of driver A). If the drifting from both drivers is too hard to determine a clear winner, then "sudden death" will occur. Sudden Death is when the two drivers repeat step one and two until there is a clear winner between them both.
New News:
The event will take place on the "DL Drift Server" I will change the name and put a password when time nears so stay updated by checking this post frequently.
I've created an image to outline the judging system if you don't fully understand it text wise:

The track will be the first four corners of KY2R (as stated in initial post). The screenshows below show the course and techniques you should use to maximise your chances of gaining high points.
This is the start where the two competetors will line up to start the first of their runs.

This is where you will initiate a drift, the 'L' shape set of bales are where the driver(s) should avoid, but will do this if they start the drift at the correct time anyway.
The post and chalk marks are where the driver(s) should come close to, the driver(s) should get the back of their cars as close as they can to the post without knocking it down. The driver(s) should also try and drift inside the chalk marks, this is not necessary but to get the most points possible it is advised.

This is the final part of the track, both driver(s) should get the front of their car(s) as close as they can to the posts without touching them, doing this will allow the driver(s) to recieve the most points.
The end of the course is to the left of this picture at the top.

Daniel- SSD.

This event will be held on Saturday 11th September at 1.30PM UK Time.
How it works:
The points scheme will work in the same way the D1 Grand Prix does, where one driver goes out on the track and drifts, the judges will score the driver on angle, speed and precision. The maximum score a judge can allocate to a driver is 100. Depending on the number of people who participate a certain number of people will progress to the next round.
The track will be the first 4 corners of KY2R.
Each driver will have one practise run or can go straight into their first run if they choose to, if they spin out they're allowed a "one more go" which allows the driver to have a second chance, if they spin out or don't score well on the second run they will have very limited or no chance of progressing into the next round.
When every driver has done their qualifying run (individual runs), depending on their score they will progress to the next round where two drivers drift against each other.
The driver who scores the most will then have the advantage and the two drivers drift again but in reverse order (driver A starts ahead of B, next run driver B will start ahead of driver A). If the drifting from both drivers is too hard to determine a clear winner, then "sudden death" will occur. Sudden Death is when the two drivers repeat step one and two until there is a clear winner between them both.
New News:
The event will take place on the "DL Drift Server" I will change the name and put a password when time nears so stay updated by checking this post frequently.
I've created an image to outline the judging system if you don't fully understand it text wise:

The track will be the first four corners of KY2R (as stated in initial post). The screenshows below show the course and techniques you should use to maximise your chances of gaining high points.
This is the start where the two competetors will line up to start the first of their runs.

This is where you will initiate a drift, the 'L' shape set of bales are where the driver(s) should avoid, but will do this if they start the drift at the correct time anyway.
The post and chalk marks are where the driver(s) should come close to, the driver(s) should get the back of their cars as close as they can to the post without knocking it down. The driver(s) should also try and drift inside the chalk marks, this is not necessary but to get the most points possible it is advised.

This is the final part of the track, both driver(s) should get the front of their car(s) as close as they can to the posts without touching them, doing this will allow the driver(s) to recieve the most points.
The end of the course is to the left of this picture at the top.

Daniel- SSD.