I agree, saying it's easy is a wrong statement, because if it was easy it would be fixed long time ago. The reason why it happens, the space-launch, is due to lag, physics and other things that happens when you hit that barrier.
I just think that new shiny stuff can wait, that bug need to be fixed ASAP, the game has been out for over 7 years, and with a game-breaking bug like that it should be one of the main priorities to find a work-around on.
I know it's not just to push the "FIX" button, but are there no way to redefine that object as a wall? Sure, you can go through wall with enough force and speed, but at least it's much harder than getting into space after hitting a barrier.
Again, sorry for saying it was easy, it's not easy do not missunderstand me on that. But if the developers put down all their time and effort and just focusing on that particullary bug, and fix it / finds a workaround for it, it would make a lot of the old, and new users happy. Think of the new fun you could do with autocross editor when you don't have to think about space-launch pads (aka barriers)