After posting here what i thought about the demo, i eventually went back playing it more. With some more practice i got used to it and ended up finding it quite a fun game to play.
In other words... I got a copy for the PS3 the day it was out (yesterday).
For the PS3 because i can use my G25. However, the first let-down was finding out that it's limited to 180 degrees in DiRT 2. Way to go codemasters...

It feels good however, fits the arcade style of the driving physics.
I had to get into it a little, but after playing it for a few hours, Dirt2 feels pretty much like one of those old CMR titles i used to love playing on the PS1? and PS2. Physics are exaggerated and feel a bit arcade-ish, but they are rock solid. Tracks are of a good variety, and they all look beautiful!
There's a lot of cars that feel much better than the cars in the demo.
The rally cross cars and the good old rally cars (impreza, mitsubishi evo) actually feel quite nice.
The career is well balanced (race/track/car selection) and feels rewarding. It's fun to progress.
Online is one of the best parts of this game IMO. It is simply fun to blast through some of the stages, seeing other people drive like crazy bastards, and even better, see them doing wild crashes.

Overall not a sim really, but a very good game with believable physics. Lots of fun! I could almost forgive codemasters for Dirt 1 now...