The online racing simulator
Virtual LFS Dashboard
(529 posts, closed, started )
Quote from AnyBodyKilla :i just started to try this program and it works ok but im having trouble with getting it on the 2nd monitor and looking right. when i click on it to drag it to other monitor the gauges go out of the window.

sounds like your second monitor is using a different size than the first monitor... try resizing that monitor to 1024x768, dragging it over, hitting maximize then hitting remove borders.
Quote from bunder9999 :sounds like your second monitor is using a different size than the first monitor... try resizing that monitor to 1024x768, dragging it over, hitting maximize then hitting remove borders.

try running both at 1024x768 and dragging same thing
Attached images
weird... one thing you could try is setting it to winxp mode and disabling visual themes... that might work.
Quote from bunder9999 :weird... one thing you could try is setting it to winxp mode and disabling visual themes... that might work.

it didnt lol going to try running it on laptop over network instead. thx for all your help though
Is the server down? Can't seem to download...
Confirmed, can't reach it, or get images posted by author from there either.

So, looks gone, for now at least.

Darn, I quite fancied a play with that thing too!
Thanks for that kind offer, I had not realised the coder had left the project, and that its currently not being developed.

I saw the request for help in the first post (last night) and was going to grab a copy so I could start looking further into it all this morning. If I had liked what I saw it was my intention to offer to make some 3d DirectX dials to help, since robust and detailed 3d content for sims is part of what I do. I've had some experience in making a 3d panel for a second computer for a couple of sims (flight sims to date, so not directly usable but the principle should be familiar) so far and it's really great to use once these things start to work reliably.

If anyone does pick up the source and is interested in making this project, or one like it, work reliably with genuine 3d on a reasonably well specified secondary machine then by all means PM me if you would like some tidy and useful dials made. I do need good quality images of the dials to be made, or I can make up dials on the fly, as long as you have a clear idea of what you want it to show. I don't use maps I hand build the entire object. Old school perhaps but the results are worth it, and very pleasing to use at any level of zoom.

I'd be happy to consider more or less any offer, but those from experienced coders with a solid and demonstrable track record for quality, reliability and project stamina would be favoured the most. My motivation is fun, and in turn, the thrill of having executed it really well. I do particularly enjoy working on 3d replicas of analogue dials. Eyesight is steadily failing so this offer is good for as long as life, luck and fate will allow.
Virtual LFS Dashboard Clone
Hi folks,
It was sad to see this nice program go before it could fully mature. And after seeing so many people have trouble with the tricky, picky, VB dependencies from the program, I thought I would make a .NET clone of the program. Other than grabbing the bmps from his source, everything on this program is rewritten by myself.

Right now, it's not a very pretty program yet, but is completely functional. I'm throwing it out to the community as market research, to see if I should continue developing it. I have currently named it VLFS Dash Clone, but feel that I should name it something else to preserve the original creator's IP of his program. So, if we continue making the program, the community also gets to suggest a name for it.

Please download it, unzip it anywhere you want and try it out. The zip file includes his quartz font file that I believe already comes with US versions of Windows, but if you start the program and the font looks all funny, just close the program, right click the font file and choose install. Then try again and it should come up correct.

Comments, suggestions and concerns are welcome. If the community has voted to continue the program, I would setup a Trac (development tracking) site for it for bug and improvement suggestions for users to submit to. Have fun .

Oh, forgot, to move the program, the RPM and Speedo dials are drag spots. Click and hold on them to move the program to where ever you want.
Attached files
vlfsdash - 214 KB - 426 views
Wow, glad to notice this!

I grabbed it, but now I face another issue:

All the original help and advice in this thread points to the original software and package, and that had a read me with directions apparently.

Since it's not properly available any more, could you give a quick up to date set of points to make sure of before running your package please?

I'm a n00b at this (specifically LFS) so please don't assume any kind of know how on my part! Not yet had LFS for a month I don't think, so, not long enough to know it all yet!

Hope this all works out, I would try it on my race machine first then try it out across the LAN to another machine. Will I need LFS installed on second machine or does this all work stand alone? (I'm guessing it is stand alone, but can't see any way to confirm it other than asking)
Ah yes, probably should do this :P.
  1. Unzip the file to any location you would like to have it
  2. Run the exe file, and make sure that the font on the program looks correct. If not, close it, right click the quartz font file and choose install. Then run the exe again.
  3. Start LFS and enable InSim at whatever port you would like.
  4. Click on the setup button, and each object on that dialog has a tooltip to tell you exactly what each do.
  5. Click ok, and the program should be connected.
Pretty easy I hope. No cfg editing, the program handles that itself. Yes, the program can be used across your LAN and even across the internet as long as you know the IP address and the right ports have been forwarded on the routers. No need for a second LFS if using on another computer.

I'll have a proper help file, readme, and such if it seems that people are wanting me to continue. So hopefully I can get more than just 8 people so far download the program.
Quote from burnsy1882 :Ah yes, probably should do this :P.

(3) Start LFS and enable InSim at whatever port you would like.

I'll have a proper help file, readme, and such if it seems that people are wanting me to continue. So hopefully I can get more than just 8 people so far download the program.

Thanks very much for this, I happened to get it working, by trial and error, while you were posting this I suspect.

Works just fine! Went straight for the main event and had it running on second machine, as it gave me more room to play with each program on separate machines.

One small point I'd add for those who never used insim before (I had not as it happens) that point 3 above translated (for me) to pressing the t key to enable talk mode, then typing /insim 29999 and then hitting enter key.

So there's your first report of working fine; Driving (and replaying) on Windows 7 RC (build 7100), and your prog running on Windows XP Pro SP3. Your program does run on windows 7 machine also but I had not quite worked out how to connect to the game at that time. Win7 runs on Intel Quad Q6600 64bit 4Gb, and XP pro on Intel Northwood 1.8a 32bit 1Gb. So, a good, solid start.

No problems that I think are of your making, but must report that should one be foolhardly and change screen resolution while doing all this it causes the insim connection to be stalled enough to lock the dash up on the second machine. Simply restarting the replay would not bring it back, so had to shut down LFS, re select the replay, and then restart the dash on the second machine. Nothing short of that would fix it. So, that's a fairly serious one at a guess, and probably one for the devs to fix I'd imagine too.

Thank you very, very much for picking this up, it's nice to know we are once again able to work with software that is currently being developed, so could potentially be more reliable than the original as new patches and things come out that might otherwise break it - this program is far too useful to lose it that way too.

First feature request: Can we have a scaling and skin facility please? (yes, I know, I am being a bit cheeky, but hey!)
Quote from burnsy1882 :...So hopefully I can get more than just 8 people so far download the program.

Cheers for your new VLFSD Clone development! Good to see it revamped!

In order to get more than a few downloads, you should maybe start a new thread to get more attention ??!?!?!?!? Just a consideration...
I might, didn't know if I would be allowed to do so, but yeah, would probably be a better idea to give it more exposure.
Quote from burnsy1882 :I might, didn't know if I would be allowed to do so, but yeah, would probably be a better idea to give it more exposure.

yeah do that :P i think it would give this project much, much more views/hits if u did. And i also dont think the mods have anything to say about u making a new thread about a "new" app
Quote from burnsy1882 :I might, didn't know if I would be allowed to do so, but yeah, would probably be a better idea to give it more exposure.

As long as you give the obvious inspirational-credit to Erazotropa...Devs and admins here are smart people I really don't think there could be any problem whatsoever.
how do i move the window...i need it on my second moniter, and there are no drag points, and even if i right click on the icon on my taskbar to try to get the 'move' option it is not there

EDIT: also how do i configure it properly, what do i need to change to what
The speedo and tacho are move points, just click, hold and drag on those items to move the program. As far as configuring, just hover your mouse over each to find out what each do in the setup dialog.

Once I finish recoding my auto qualifier, I can get back to this program and make a new thread for it.
ok, make sure you make a link in this thread so i am not gone with the wind :rolleyes:

EDIT: i set everything up right (i think) even my ip adress...but it is not working, i did get rid of my error message though. so all i need is to set the port in the program, for both outgauge and outsim, and set it to the same in the cfg file? i must be missing something. i did turn on the output thing though
wow..i am noobed out, can you explain in simple terms how to get it to work from download to working

...and if you have a quick answer to how can i IM on facebook and have lfs open at the same time, because whenever i click anywhere but the lfs screen it minimises, and i cant play...if it is not easy to answer that question nvmd or pm me
Look at the link I posted that puts you a few posts up that details how to get the program connected to LFS.
:cry: i am such a noob i have no idea how to enable in-sim

sorry for being such a noob
Read the one just below it. All you've had to do is read the thread.
wow, i suck sorry for being a hassle...i am doing too much right now to think

EDIT: i just cant get it to work, the error i recieve is can not connect to lfs, make sure the outsim is enabled or something like that. i enabled it by typing in the text thing /outsim 29999 and it says it enables but still nothing. i followed the directions perfectly and do i have to do the /outsim 29999 every time i play
This thread is closed

Virtual LFS Dashboard
(529 posts, closed, started )