The online racing simulator
Render Scene for BF1
(18 posts, started )
Render Scene for BF1
I work on a 3DMax8/Brazil Render Scene for the BF1 - here is a first WIP Shot.
Attached images
Looks good. Rather 'soft' white look too it (like behind the cockpit), but it looks quite good. Probably just the lighting. Hopefully the tires will be a bit more lighter to see, with a nice bump mapped texture too it.

Try and match the real wheel design too. They have OZ wheels and they are more of a titanium silverish color (brushed aluminum I think its called?). Chrome on an F1 car just makes it look like a toy

That is all I can see so far, other than that, good work
Attached images
here you can download it
Anyone have the scene? It's no longer on that website, the link leads to nowhere. If you have a backup could you post it here please .
Downloaded Thank You!
I rendered it out, and the image was blown out. Any thoughs as to why this might happen?
Here's what I rendered out, but I think you yourselfs will see the problem. I don't know what is going on.
Reduce the RGB Level of the HDRI Map (in the HDRI material).
... Eh ... I don't think I know how to do that, but I'm willing to learn ...
I'll take alook at the material editor, that seems like a good place to start.

[edit] Nope, I don't have a clue where to find that one.
whats wrong with it? all i see thats wrong is that you haven't applied a material to the wheels and tires
I see what you have done. Nuse, he HAS applied a material

If you look at you'll see it's white. What you need to do is make that tyre texture a layer on top of a dark grey (tyre coloured) layer. If you set the tyre texture to 'Multiply' it'll make the texture look more tyre like. Save the file as or something so as not to mess up the original.

In 3DS you then use on the model and hey presto better tyres. Then the hard bit starts - making them smooth, with reflections, shininess and real 3D tread...
or assign it as a bumpmap rather than a diffuse map and then adjust the diffuse colour to create the tyre colour you want as seen here (I did those as a displacement map, but displacement or bump will enable you to control colour with the diffuse swatch ).


I'm going to be trying to make a nice BF1 scene tonight..

But I still get confused by the Multi/Sub materials... My brazil scene ended up with about 50 different multi/subs under 1 big multi/sub.. Needless to say it was all a bit of a mess

Render Scene for BF1
(18 posts, started )