The online racing simulator
Announcing the BF1WC
(13 posts, started )
Announcing the BF1WC

So I've raced in a few leauges now and thought I could do this, but better. So with 3months worth of planning and careful moulding of the a rule book I am very pleased to announce the BF1WC. The BF1WC I hope has the right stuff to be one of the best virtual open wheel leauges out there. The rules are set all we need now is YOU! Goto the website and tell us what you think!

The Basics
  • Starting Saturday the 24th of October and running bi-weekly until March 2010.
  • The server will be available 24/7 for open practice and testing. The server will be locked to public on the day of the Event for closed testing. Server name is "BF1WC-League Server"
  • Qualifying will commence at 20:00hours UTC and the Race will commence at 21:10 UTC
  • The race will last for 305km or 2hours, whichever comes first. I would anticipate the race should last 1hour 30min's, depending on incidents during the race.
  • There is a warm up lap to let you get some heat into your tyres and a dedicated safety car will be on hand every race!
Quote :The Future
What I have planned for next season is a team management system, which would involve teams having to budget to go racing. So teams would have to attract virtual sponsors to earn virtual currency, winning and things like that would also increase the income. The out goings would be entry costs, repairs in the pits and tyre changes etc..

If you ever played Grand Prix Manager by Micro Prose it will be simerler to that! The website is already under development for the team management but I think you will agree that its something a little bit different

Thanks for reading!
Sorry if I missed it, I seem to do that a lot, but is there a schedule? I will definately be there if my schedule allows it!
Humm... interesting, would you mind telling me how you got to that message please Thanks!
I went to the forums, clicked register on the forums, and thats what it said. But then I went and tried to register on the homepage, and it let me register there, and that account works for the forum...
okay should be fixed now, thanks for letting me know!
Very nice. Love the website design. I won't be able to compete unfortunatley but I wish you the best of luck!
#7 - FaToS
Good work Strudders. Too bad it is on Saturdays. I won't be able to race.
Good luck with the series.
Thanks for the kind words guys much appreciated! just need a few more sign ups and its shaping up nicely
I really love the web design I hope everything goes well unfortually I'm planning my own League at this momment at time but GOOD LUCK!
Quote from (The Stig) :unfortually I'm planning my own League at this momment at time but GOOD LUCK!

#11 - qrg
What happend with BF1WC page? I hope this is not end of this legue ...
Quote from qrg :What happend with BF1WC page? I hope this is not end of this legue ...

It seems like the guy that have this league havent payed for the webserver.. so either he forgotto renew or he have stioed giving a crap about a lfs anymore

edit: he was Last Activity: 23rd October 2009 19:06 so i dont tink he is active.
Quote from Buzzn :It seems like the guy that have this league havent payed for the webserver.. so either he forgotto renew or he have stioed giving a crap about a lfs anymore

edit: he was Last Activity: 23rd October 2009 19:06 so i dont tink he is active.

Polices have take his internet connector =) nothing bigger he have no net on his computer any more... and all his net pages have stopped because of police =)

Announcing the BF1WC
(13 posts, started )