I just drove the Cayman at Spa, at it was great! Much smoother fps than some of the other tracks. With it fresh in my mind, I have a couple more thoughts then I'll shut up. I think Shift (in pro mode w/assists off) is a good entry-level "sim" and a good transition from arcade races (like previous NFS) to more simulation type games (GT, LFS). It requires careful throttle control, braking and steering, but not at the level of precision.
I tweaked my control settings since my previous post, here they are now:
Logitech Profiler:

It seems SMS/EA assumed everyone uses the deafult settings here. I bumped up the steering rotation (default is 200:really

and added the centering spring. I may try it at default just to see how it feels.
In-Game, (using G25 seperate pedals preset):
Steering Deadzone - 0
Accelerator Deadzone - 0
Brake Deadzone - 0
Steering Sensitivity - 50
Acceleration Sensitivity - 50
Braking Sensitivity - 50
Speed Steering Sensitivity - 0
Wheel Lock - 100
FF Strength - 10
This won't make it feel like LFS obviously, but it's good enough for the pseudo-sim that SHIFT is. Anyway, i'm having a lot of fun with it.

I hope they release a patch soon for you guys having problems. I don't know why I don't.

Try the demo. I heard it actually runs better with no crashing.
One more thing. How are you guys taking screen shots? Just the print-screen key? When I try to take a snapshot, it tries to connect to EA nation.