I expect that boothy made the thread as a joke or whatever and now everyone else is going going apeshit about it, not really boothys fault that this has happened TBH.
They can confirm this themselves. Well, kind of. Scawen (I believe) has said the same thing a while back. They dont see any reason to make any more big announcements if they are not sure of the release date themselves.
So to be honest. Its all your "cry babies" fault's the devs cant confirm this.
Well there was much talking at the kart meet in wales with victor, all sorts of LFS related things were talked about on and off throughout the (drunken) evenings, and there was no mention of this at all.
This thread would have been locked by now if it was fake, the last thing the devs want is more dissapointed people spamming the forums about something they never had in the first place. I hope it's true, I like Rockingham and we really need a new track.
Arguing about this is completely pointless. Whether we know it or not doesn't mean much, as we aren't making it and we have no real say so in anything. We get it or we don't.
Well if it were true, and i am just saying if, then wouldnt there have been some kind of announcement of this, as the scirocco preview at a game convention thing was announced by the devs in a similar way.
Chill, if it's fake it doesn't matter because we never had the track in the first place, if it's true then fantastic, we get a new track! Some of you must be really angry negative people to find something bad in all of this.
I think the issue here is the half assed attempts at evidence of it such as the pic on page 1, plus people shouting how they know its true for sure without providing anything to back it up, not weather its actually true or not.
A real track + laser scanned would signify a rather large break with the older S1/S2 tracks so I'd agree that if it actually exists, should be reserved for S3. This would depend on how much the devs intend to utilise laser scanning/real tracks in the future though, maybe it's just a one off.