Oh My God, now anybody can´t complain about anything, hoping the people will calm down now, and Look Forward to S3

(My body starts shaking only when writting this :´D).
The Track Is AMAZING!!! (My Hopes are that it will be as good as it looks), really Looking forward to It!; My God How I disatended this forum for all this time :S, now I think all this wait got it´s reason, and is in front of Us

Well being serious now, I think (as many of the people here thinks too) that it would be good to know How Much will be the cost of LFS S3, or atleast if there´s gonna be a pre-sale, and when It will be; so the people can know if they can pre-buy it now or will have to wait, so if anyone from the Devs team can give us atleast a bit of this information, that would be very helpfull to us...
Well Hoping the things keep as nice as they are now, and the atleast-that-bit of info from the Devs, now I just need to say Thanks!, and that as everybody of us, i´ll be waiting all the time it needs to be released, and I´ll Never quit waiting.