Fusion Racing Team -06-
(84 posts, started )
Fusion Racing Team -06-
Hi everyone!

Fusion Racing is now a S2 Team
We are a clean, fast, good personality and professional LFS racing team.
We now have a new website at www.fusion-racing.net thanks to arco and arni.

Fusion. Arrow
Fusion. [DUcK]
Fusion . Flip
Fusion. Alex
Fusion. arco
Fusion. Darkraver
Fusion . Dizman
Fusion. niviob
Fusion. nero
Fusion . rev
Fusion. Sarfa
Fusion . sarin
Fusion. arni
Fusion. qstomeq
Fusion. ShaGuar
Fusion. Fizzle Snips
Fusion. Zyber
Fusion. Racin Jason

We have one demo server and a S2 server.
To find out who's online click here

Everyones skin can be downloaded here

See you all on the Track
Nice looking site and all

If you really want to go to the next level...upgrade to S2 m8
Yeah they are a mix of S2 racers and demo racers. I've played a few of their drivers online, fun to race with .

I really like their skins though. Green POWAH!!!!
Hi guys Always a pleasure to drive with ya lot
Site looks great!!!
Nice website, i like your skinning guys
You guys definately look like a good squad, and you do have good skins. Awesome demo server to play on.

Though I did get banned from it today... For no reason... By some APEXI team player... Really not cool from him. [APEXI] EVO I believe. Heh. Too bad I won't be able to play with you guys anymore.
Thanks everyone

Knight_atack dont worry i will get that fixed if anything like that
happens again just let me know
#9 - Ndrew
Gratz for the new site and for the new skin This new skin definetly looks better than the old one, nice job

P.s.: Say hello to Duck
Quote from Knight_Atack :You guys definately look like a good squad, and you do have good skins. Awesome demo server to play on.

Though I did get banned from it today... For no reason... By some APEXI team player... Really not cool from him. [APEXI] EVO I believe. Heh. Too bad I won't be able to play with you guys anymore.

are u kidin? firstly, EVO is not our team member, secondly, u was doing something wrong that i cant remember at the time..

[APEXi] Cossie.
thanks heaps for the posotive replies.
hey Ndrew, i havent seen you in a long time, i hope to race against you some time in the near future...

And btw guys, can you pls not fight about banning problems here thanks,
Quote from RcWris :are u kidin? firstly, EVO is not our team member, secondly, u was doing something wrong that i cant remember at the time..

[APEXi] Cossie.

I'm sorry about the "team member" thing. It's just that he had [APEXi] in front of his name when I played. And that I know of, I didn't do much wrong... Fell to the back of the pack. Some time in the back straight, wanted to shift gear, accidently changed car camera, had trouble finding mine again, and as I did find it, I saw my car take a rail and fly away. He said he had enough of me... Oh well.

Thanks Arrow! It's appreciated.
#13 - arco
Thanks for all the kind words everyone.
Knight_Atack, it may well have been a iDi member who initiated a ban on you.
They're usually using other peoples nicks or team names to disguise themselves, then starts to ban or wreck everyone. illepall
I've got the same problem like Knight_Atack had. Two days ago the same guy [APEXI] EVO banned me for no reason at Fusion server. We had an accident at last turn and i overtook him. Firstly he kicked me and a few moments later he banned me and GOT support of his team mates(in the first place of [APEXi] dpf).

Im not a newbie and i respect CRC rules as well.

Quote : are u kidin? firstly, EVO is not our team member, secondly, u was doing something wrong that i cant remember at the time..

[APEXi] Cossie.

Obviously he is your member. Ask your team mate.
Ummm...nice sight??

Quote : Site Temporarily Unavailable

Quote :

We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact the webmaster/ tech support immediately to have them rectify this.
error id: "bad_httpd_conf"

#17 - DeKo
okay, wtf, driving around on your server, driving sensibly and not crashing, and some ret**d admin kicks me twice then bans me??? i dont know about you, but banning people for f**k all from a server is a bit daft, dont you think?
************** hi there ********a****f**

Was this on an s2 or a demo server? The following applies to the latter (if not the former):

Fusion servers are as far as I remember pro servers at least on the demo side which means anyone not doing 1:34s or better is in danger of being kicked / banned. Similarly obeying blue flags and such is important. If you were driving fast enough and moving aside when flagged, I s'pose only the admin who banned you can tell you why. If you weren't, now you know.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :************** hi there ********a****f**

Was this on an s2 or a demo server? The following applies to the latter (if not the former):

Fusion servers are as far as I remember pro servers at least on the demo side which means anyone not doing 1:34s or better is in danger of being kicked / banned. Similarly obeying blue flags and such is important. If you were driving fast enough and moving aside when flagged, I s'pose only the admin who banned you can tell you why. If you weren't, now you know.

aww, man, ur smart
Grats Fusions , nice site
Well i dont do 1:34s,I always lap in 1:35s and i never get banned or kicked, even when people there do 1:33s and 1:34s....In fact a lot of people do 1:37s and 1:38s too.So i don't think its because of lap times.
Quote from zeeaq :Well i dont do 1:34s,I always lap in 1:35s and i never get banned or kicked, even when people there do 1:33s and 1:34s....In fact a lot of people do 1:37s and 1:38s too.So i don't think its because of lap times.

for example i do let ppl race who do 1:34/35s, but if sum1 gets into my way, and does it over and over i go crazy, and ban every1. like i did it yesterday anyway, there r many other conflicts like this cuz of those idi noobs, since no1 knows for real who is who...
#23 - DeKo
it was gp1's at blackwoodGP and i was getting consitently under a minute, i think thats not bad for somebody with a keyboard who bought it 2 days ago.. :|.. i had a clean first corner, everybody took each other out kinda and i just whizzed past, and got kicked halfway down the straight <_<

meh, doesnt matter anymore, just reset my router and i got back on...
#24 - arco
Nice racing with dizman on an AS Club / FOX server today, thumbs up for these guys!

Fusion Racing Team -06-
(84 posts, started )