Everyone look below my name
(30 posts, started )
Everyone look below my name
Tristan has be SO nice as to get me a voucher, and let me pay him back. Please everyone thank Tristan for being so kind. Thanks again, Tristan!
Like I told you in PM, sod off, unlock LFS and go and play. NOW. SCRAM. I don't want to hear a peep out of you for the next... 4 hours'll do.

Just found him messing about on the drag strip, and then he went to do some oval racing. What a waste
wow tristans signature sure feature alot of links .. hmm let's click on one.
drag... oval...

Anyway, nicely done by tristan.
#5 - KeMoT
A little weird thread...
Quote from KeMoT :A little weird thread...

Not wierd at all, just a forum regular thing. Well anyway Hummer, you've got your licence and I can see you've decided that Oval racing is for you...

Ah well thats how I started LFS really but I soon got bored. The tracks are where it's at.
#7 - MR_B
Quote from Matrixi :drag... oval...

Anyway, nicely done by tristan.

I'll X2 that

Oval is a bit of a drag..... My first track I concentrated on was the XFR at AS Club...... who knows why illepall
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from wheel4hummer :Tristan has be SO nice as to get me a voucher, and let me pay him back. Please everyone thank Tristan for being so kind. Thanks again, Tristan!

You deserve a license mr humdog... Now have fun. Good job Tristan
Quote from thisnameistaken :Tristan gave birth to an oval racer!

thatll still haunt him in his grave
Well, after the drag and then the oval, I went to Aston I think it was, did a few laps, then I went and testdrove all of the cars at the autocross. Oops, thats right, I'm not supposed to be saying anything for 4 hours.

EDIT: And, once I get my DFP I will be doing more road racing.
#12 - axus
Quote from wheel4hummer :Tristan has be SO nice as to get me a voucher, and let me pay him back. Please everyone thank Tristan for being so kind. Thanks again, Tristan!

Enjoy the ride! It will only get better! Good one, Tristan.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Irony!!

lmao, Anyway that's a really neat thing to do Tristian. :up:
I'm sorry, I'm american. It's an instinct to go to the oval and dragstrip first. Oh, and I've driven 60 miles so far, and burnt 61liters of fuel. That's about an average of 4MPG, and $50 of gas :P I guess the BF1 has terrible fuel economy.
Sweet, glad someone did this for the guy!

Congrats Wheel!
was on a mexican server with BF1 on Aston historic, I think I saw you, I left when I went out of the fuel during my last lap of the race, hehe...

welcome to S2!
Welcome to S2 Hummer!

Very nice of you Tristan, good move.
Welcome about the crazy train, next stop AS National woowoo chugga chugga chugga
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Don't fall into the Aston National trap!!!! You'll end up there forever. It's almost like the oval. It sucks people in and doesn't let them go. I should know, it's where I have my most laps. Hehehehe

Congrats and welcome to S2 bud .

A few of my favorites, FZR of course - KY Nat, KY GP Long, Aston North is awesome, Aston Historic rules over reg. config, FE Black Rev (I think, turn left out of garage), SO Long, just tried KY Nat Rev last night. Really good. And of course, Westhill in the FZR as well.

Can you tell I'm partial to the longer tracks?

Have fun and don't get sucked into just one track and specialize. It's easy to do.

Oval is for NR2003. It owns LFS in that respect. Can't even set up the car properly for oval here.

Good luck and hope to see you around.
Quote from mrodgers :NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Don't fall into the Aston National trap!!!! You'll end up there forever. It's almost like the oval. It sucks people in and doesn't let them go. I should know, it's where I have my most laps. Hehehehe


I'm finally free, i think. Crossed that finish line in mid-race, stopped, thought "right, them last 100 laps brought nothing new, what's next".

Did you have to compare it to the oval? :hide:
sometimes i still fall off the wagon and go race AS national for a few hours. i always feel dirty afterwards and go wash myself.
#22 - SamH
That was a good thing you did there, Tristan. Nice work

Wheel, welcome to the fast side. I'm really glad it's worked out for you.
What a gentleman! :up:
Welcome 'hummer
That was/is nice of Tristan... maybe he has some left-over money from his birthday??? Who knows... But this guy is a legend!!
Right now, my favorite combination is the FOX at South City. But, I think the DFP I have weakened my desk. As I type, my whole desk is shaking. And, it's a bit of a hassle to connect and disconnect my wheel. I was thinking of building a cocpit, but that would be difficult. Maybe I'll make some plans in sketchup.

Everyone look below my name
(30 posts, started )