The online racing simulator
Asunduse Team with Estonian flag
(110 posts, started )
Skin request: Logitech themed
Wow, you guys are great helping this fella out. I posted a request for skinners to help me put together some "Logitech" themed skins for me on Master Skinnerz and did not even get one response.

Maybe I should post this request here? If there are any takers, i'd be grateful.

I am looking to put together some cars with a white/off-white color base using the 3-D Logitech logo ( for example). I am interested primarily in BF1, Fox, F8, Mrt but would like any and all cars possible. I want to use them internally at Logitech when we are testing our wheels online with LFS. They can have other racing logos and such as you've done with this other fellas cars but I would like the primary logo to be the 3D Logitech emblem.

Any help would be appreciated and yes, I will be driving around with a G-25 wheel using them. ;->


Sure, I'll do you one or two over the weekend(I'll call dibs on the F0X, first incase someone else gets here and wants to start a car before I get back up- sleep time now!).

Is there a name/number/flag you'd like to be used?
BTW- if I do a full set of skins, will you send me a G-25? :hyper: :haha:
Quote from Ayrton :BTW- if I do a full set of skins, will you send me a G-25? :hyper: :haha:

You never know what's in your lucky stars someday....
What's a G-25??
#58 - Smax
Do you have a much bigger example of the 3d logo? the jpg in the corner of the pages is far too small to become a major feature of a skin, end the .eps files available through the brands of the world site don't have the 3d bevelled appearance of the logo on the logitech site?

As for master skinnerz, well it's emphasis is on providing the support, resources and encouragement necessary to help people make their own skins. A full set of skins is a huge job given that there are so many different car shapes that any design needs to be adapted to. Some of the MSz members take commissions but very few if any will do a whole set because of the amount of work involved. That and the fact that so many requests are made for full skin sets are probably the reasons your thread on that board got ignored.
re: Logo samples
Quote from Smax :Do you have a much bigger example of the 3d logo? the jpg in the corner of the pages is far too small to become a major feature of a skin, end the .eps files available through the brands of the world site don't have the 3d bevelled appearance of the logo on the logitech site?

As for master skinnerz, well it's emphasis is on providing the support, resources and encouragement necessary to help people make their own skins. A full set of skins is a huge job given that there are so many different car shapes that any design needs to be adapted to. Some of the MSz members take commissions but very few if any will do a whole set because of the amount of work involved. That and the fact that so many requests are made for full skin sets are probably the reasons your thread on that board got ignored.

Yes, good point. Thank you all in advance for your help!

Here are some logo samples:
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Logitech_clr.psd - 54.1 KB - 194 views
I found the high res logo available on the press page. Many companies put one there, but unlike some, you guys don't make you regiter for it. I hope it's ok that I didn't perfectly follow the Logitech style guide. Here's a Swiss #6 and an American #66, high res incase you use it for screenshots. I'd think you guys could figure out how to resize if you wan't upload to LFSW.
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#61 - Smax
That's much better, thank you.

I'll start by giving you an F08 and if I have time possibly and FZR too.
Quote from Smax :That's much better, thank you.

I'll start by giving you an F08 and if I have time possibly and FZR too.

Thanks buddy! I am looking forward to all the creations!

Best regards,

Quote from Ayrton :I found the high res logo available on the press page. Many companies put one there, but unlike some, you guys don't make you regiter for it. I hope it's ok that I didn't perfectly follow the Logitech style guide. Here's a Swiss #6 and an American #66, high res incase you use it for screenshots. I'd think you guys could figure out how to resize if you wan't upload to LFSW.

Very cool my friend! Thanks, I like them a lot!!

#64 - siLc
I´m seeing that there are no more skinmazters for me here anymore. Alright. Thak you all for your help guys. You all did really nice work. Regards.
Quote from siLc :I´m seeing that there are no more skinmazters for me here anymore. Alright. Thak you all for your help guys. You all did really nice work. Regards.

Yes there are, me!
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Quote from Ayrton :Mrt...

That is some good looking stuff!!
Logitech LXs
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Estonian LXs

OK, I admit, both sets of LXs here are color/logo swaps from other cars, but since I painted the originals too, I think it's within my right.
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Ayrton, nice skins.
Quote from Ayrton :Logitech LXs


These are all fabulously done! Thank you so much for your time and efforts! Fantastic work!

And an XRR. On top of the F0X, MRT and LXs, I think that's enough for today.
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Quote from Ayrton :And an XRR. On top of the F0X, MRT and LXs, I think that's enough for today.

Another classic, Ayrton! You are really banging out some excellent stuff!


Thanks a lot!

#75 - siLc
Thanks Rappa Z and Ayrton. Really fabulous work. I´ll love them. Nice to see that you remembered me too. I have to admit that really good work on Logitech themes too. I think EC is really happy too. Like me. I like to thank all of you for your help. Thanks guys it`s much more fun to drive now. See you in servers. And Kajojek. I´m still waiting for your masterpieces .


Asunduse Team with Estonian flag
(110 posts, started )