The online racing simulator
#26 - SamH
They can all sod off. I'm with Avellis. I don't know of any occasion in F1 where Ferrari nipped next door and said to Renault "by the way, here's our fuel usage and pit strategy. Thought you should know."

In all seriousness, I think a piece of paper is a powerful thing. Especially with the liberal application of pen or pencil. Keep a record.

You should know your fuel usage on a particular track/car combo, or you haven't paid enough attention when you've raced in the past. Or worse still, you're unfamiliar with the track/car combo and you should be doing practice laps to find out your usage rather than trying to jump into the middle of a pack of other racers on a track/car you don't know, and risking their race for the sake of a quick blast. That's two points of personal responsibility and accountability that go hand in hand, in my eyes.

[EDIT] PS: I saw the humour in post 1. I think maybe I'm the only one.
#27 - Nobo
The good thing with online gaming is to talk to a lot of people from a lot of different countries. If you dont want to help each other and give tips, block your message and live in your world. Let the helpful people help!

Giving the wrong amount of fuel is just evil and said that you need those tricks to win!
#28 - SamH
Quote from Nobo :Giving the wrong amount of fuel is just evil and said that you need those tricks to win!

It was SUPPOSED to sound evil. The first rule of comedy is exaggeration. Lighten up.

[EDIT] Okay that's the second rule. The first rule is find an appreciative audience. That was also Avellis' first mistake. I'm sure he won't risk casting a jest around HERE again in a hurry.
Quote from SamH :They can all sod off. I'm with Avellis. I don't know of any occasion in F1 where Ferrari nipped next door and said to Renault "by the way, here's our fuel usage and pit strategy. Thought you should know."

In all seriousness, I think a piece of paper is a powerful thing. Especially with the liberal application of pen or pencil. Keep a record.

You should know your fuel usage on a particular track/car combo, or you haven't paid enough attention when you've raced in the past. Or worse still, you're unfamiliar with the track/car combo and you should be doing practice laps to find out your usage rather than trying to jump into the middle of a pack of other racers on a track/car you don't know, and risking their race for the sake of a quick blast. That's two points of personal responsibility and accountability that go hand in hand, in my eyes.

[EDIT] PS: I saw the humour in post 1. I think maybe I'm the only one.


Ok, Dad, i will do my homework.

In all seriousness, its still a game and pushing the general level by helping each other is the point.

And yeah humour might be there but dude somethings wrong the way he uses it. illepall
#30 - SamH
Quote from 510N3D :LMAO

Ok, Dad, i will do my homework.

In all seriousness, its still a game and pushing the general level by helping each other is the point.

And yeah humour might be there but dude somethings wrong the way he uses it. illepall

I can't argue with you on any of that

Humour is sometimes difficult to translate from culture to culture AND language to language. When doing both, usually something breaks along the way
wow... keep a log of fuel usage on each of the what... 900 odd combos?? Or ask and wait for those who are friendly to respond, at the risk of annoying a couple of self righteous pricks? I know what I'd go for.
#32 - SamH
Yeah, sharpen that pencil kiddo.

I used to be self-righteous, but I'm perfect these days.

I really don't know what got everybody's jacks up, but I do still think that you probably should know how much fuel just by knowing the track and the car you're driving, and seeing how many laps there are. If it's really mission-critical, and they want to get it exactly right, I don't get why people don't already know without asking.

I think it's probably something that most people just get to know for themselves, in the same way they get to know which of their collection of setups is best suited to the track.

As for people getting annoyed at being asked..

This thread seems to have a really sharp edge to it for no good reason. Did everyone just quit smoking or something?
I'm easily annoyed by people who are easily annoyed
#34 - SamH
Quote from SamH :I think it's probably something that most people just get to know for themselves, in the same way they get to know which of their collection of setups is best suited to the track.

I'd really like to know how everyone does keep track of what setup works for what track. It's very hard for me to remember with goofy names like "Aston North" or if it's from someone in particular, it's "as7_SamH". How the heck do I remember which setups are for which track?????

Ok. That was my poor attempt at some humor .

And why the heck are you SamH here, but use SamZ on the servers as your nick??
#36 - Goop
Quote from SamH :Did everyone just quit smoking or something?

Three weeks today! :woohoo: (why, have you got one?)

It doesn't bother me being asked, and I respond accurately... but I don't ask, would prefer to do a lap or two. But hey, this is why I reckon LFS should have a memory of fuel burn for a combination, or even better, one of these.
hm.. I dont understand that. Do you only one race and then left the server ? Normaly I do more races on one track. Whats the problem with doing first race with safe fuel settings and then look what the consumption is. First race is for getting warm, who cares about 10-15%.

some guys think it's very humouros to ruin the race of others in t1, avellis likes to do it in the last lap.

yep, that's not my kind of humour .
Quote from Hahni :hm.. I dont understand that. Do you only one race and then left the server ? Normaly I do more races on one track. Whats the problem with doing first race with safe fuel settings and then look what the consumption is. First race is for getting warm, who cares about 10-15%.

you're exactly right
normally i don't even worry about fuel when i join a server, unless the number of laps is set to more than 10 or 15.
- ending a race with 20% fuel does not put you automatically last
- likewise ending the race with 0.1% fuel does not put you automatically into first place.
- most online races are ~10 laps so a bit of extra fuel won't make a difference
- even if it does make a difference, you probably used the first race as a test anyway
#40 - SamH
Quote from Fetzo :@samh:

some guys think it's very humouros to ruin the race of others in t1, avellis likes to do it in the last lap.

yep, that's not my kind of humour .

No, Avellis ACTUALLY doesn't. That was the exaggeration - the extreme response to the "how much fuel" question. It was the joke.

I can accept that you didn't get it at first, but after reading this thread through and then STILL having a dig at Avellis is just downright mean.

@ Hahni & Zoltuger.. yes, my point exactly, and also the essence of Avellis's. I don't get how people can jump in to a race, thinking they can race competitively. I'd rather people start a race at least being familiar with the track/car. And if they're not, I wish they'd hang back a bit and learn it before barrelling into T1 with the pack. Part of hanging back would be figuring out the track, the car on that track, and the fuel usage in that car on that track.
i have given the wrong fuel amounts to people before, i was driving a UFR and the guy had an XFR and he needed 12% and i was only using 11%. it was a complete mistake and i felt a bit stupid for it.

the best way to stop people telling you the incorrect amounts is to learn to do it yourself (F12)
#42 - SamH
Quote from Goop :Three weeks today! :woohoo: (why, have you got one?)

It doesn't bother me being asked, and I respond accurately... but I don't ask, would prefer to do a lap or two. But hey, this is why I reckon LFS should have a memory of fuel burn for a combination, or even better, one of these.

Congratulations on quitting. I'm trying to do it gradually by cutting down, which is leaving me short-tempered and irritable I think. It's not helping my lap times either!

For the record, I also respond accurately when asked and it's not being asked that irritates me, it's the fact that I'm usually asked the question by server-hoppers who come into a server, race maybe half or one race, generally make a mess (often of someone else's race too) and then bugger off. There does seem to be a correlation.

I wish fuel strategy was part of the setup. That would definitely help, generally.

Quote from mrodgers :And why the heck are you SamH here, but use SamZ on the servers as your nick??

The Z kinda signifies the grimaced look on my face, when I'm racing apparently! It's a carry-over from a bunch of online friends going back about 10 years or so. We've all gone our separate ways by and large since, but retained our Zs
Quote from Nobo :The good thing with online gaming is to talk to a lot of people from a lot of different countries. If you dont want to help each other and give tips, block your message and live in your world. Let the helpful people help!

Please go back to page one and see how I try to help people. Personally I go out of my way to help newbies who ask anything.

The other day someone was asking which would be the right tyre, R2 or R3. I started writing a bit about the difference and how it depended on driving style. I even gave a link to lfswiki. Someone else in my place would reply 'R3' and that was it. I don't like that.

When some people ask me for my setup (yes even that has happened which is strange because I'm not a setup guru at all), I don't just send it to them. I also tell them where I got it from or what it is about.

And really, where is the communication with "people from a lot of different countries" (sic) if all you give is a number?

Back to the topic of asking for the exact amount of fuel. Have you ever noticed this pattern on some of the people who ask?

- How much fuel is needed here?
(noone answers. 20 seconds later...)
- How much fuel is needed here?
(still no answer. Probably noone cares, noone can take their hands off their wheels or noone even knows).
- <span class="loud">HELLO? FUEL PLEASE??</span>

Eventually someone answers, only just to shut him up!

Again, I'm not saying that this is so much annoying. I'm just observing and discussing things. No need to get that flamethrower out of your pocket, please, lighten up.

SamH, thanks for seeing the bit of humor in this. I mean, how can someone sign off with 'Evil <nickname>' instead of '<nickname>' and some people still take it so seriously. I haven't even actually told anyone the wrong amount of fuel.


Evil Avel.
When people ask how much fuel per lap, I tell them. When people ask how much fuel per race, I tell them. If they come on the server and just say 'Fuel', I either lie or say yes.

More and more people just say "Setup for me?" or "Fuel". That's rude, and so I am rude and unhelpful back. I've never got a setup FOR you. I might send you the one I use, but I didn't make it for you. Why can't people ask politely. And guess what, it's generally the English speakers that are the rudest. It's rare you'll find a German or a Finn being rude, but the English and Americans are the worst for this.

I love telling people the right amount of fuel minus a percent or two. It's so satisfying, especially when they start swearing and leave. If it was that important you'd think they'd do a couple of laps and some simple arithmetic, or just check FuelControl Online.
Why not make a sticky where people contribute safe estimates for given combos? I'd do a few.
When people ask for setups, I usually hotkey
#47 - joen
Quote from tristancliffe :When people ask how much fuel per lap, I tell them. When people ask how much fuel per race, I tell them. If they come on the server and just say 'Fuel', I either lie or say yes.
More and more people just say "Setup for me?" or "Fuel". That's rude, and so I am rude and unhelpful back.

Exactly. And some even keep repeating just "ss" or "fuel?" when they don't get an answer in 1 minute or so. Or they just get upset when noone answers them while everybody is IN THE MIDDLE OF A RACE. I had a guy repeatedly asking for a fox setup once while I was in the middle of a battle. After the race I sent the setup adding the request to ask after the race in the future. You would think that at least a thank you would be appropriate...nooooo
#48 - JJ72
Quote from Blowtus :I'm easily annoyed by people who are easily annoyed

*looks into mirror* ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I normally put in a full tank or half tank, (apart from drag races, when I put the minimum in).

Better to have some left than run out of fuel on the pit straight, coming to take the checkered flag (fortunatly that hasn't ever happened to me )
Thanks Rtsbasic.