you can just put 36£ into your LFS acc, buy S2 and hold those 12£ for when S3 comes =D
That works aswell
Just remember to take high-res skins off, because at each 2000'th skin it takes 3 bucks of your account.
If the computer can handle it and you like the highres the 3 bucks extra now and then is total worth it.
Quote from Calvinaquino :Agree. But you forgot to take in account that, we who bought LFS at that time, paid BRL 100,00 for an S2 license. now we are going to pay like... BRL 36,00 for the upgrade =D I'm in NO WAY complaining, just pointing it out. At this price, LFS is still worth it.

Yes (actually BRL $34,00), totalizing BRL $134,00, but just for those who have already purchased S2. Anyone who didn't have any Stage of the game before and will just get S3 today would only pay BRL $100,00, which is the same we paid for S2 a few years ago, and also the same price of any other game in the national market.
Quote from Velociround :Yes (actually BRL $34,00), totalizing BRL $134,00, but just for those who have already purchased S2. Anyone who didn't have any Stage of the game before and will just get S3 today would only pay BRL $100,00, which is the same we paid for S2 a few years ago, and also the same price of any other game in the national market.

The same thing has happened with euros too. When I bought S2 it cost me 36€. Currently S3 would cost about 39€.
The british pound has lost a lot of it's value in the last two or so years.
Is these kind of money really an issue? I pay more for just eating lunch out every now and then.
Quote from libben :Is these kind of money really an issue?

Not for me,its about 14 euros if im not wrong
Can't wait for the updates,whatever they are
I find these posts regarding the price of LFS frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

The fact that Scawen (wrongly IMO), has branded LFS an alpha product and decided not to distribute LFS in the high street has compounded the issue. His latest post seems to agree that the alpha tag is no longer applicable.

From my personal point of view, I have never in my whole life experienced anything that even comes close to LFS in terms of value. £24 for 5 years of constant entertainment. I spend double that every month on Sky TV, which thanks to LFS, I never get to watch

Asking another £12, or whatever they ask, from users who have been playing the game since 2002 is absolutely nothing. We have all seen the alternative with iRacing, which thank god they have not decided to do. If, god forbid, then went down that route, I would have spent £100's in the last few years. Also, if LFS did go the subscription route, I would leave instantly. But what I would happily pay extra for is exactly what the community has been asking for, real tracks, with laser scanned quality (and hopefully bumps), and more content.

May I talk hypothetically for a minute..

Scawen wants to charge £24 for S3, on top of S2. So, LFS S3, for a new user, costs £46 (normal retail price for a game these days). For us it is £24.

For this money, they will spend the money on marketing and distributing LFS in shops, putting in 10 Real tracks, putting in 5 more cars in, surround sound, dx9/10 quality graphics, better physics, sanctioned races/servers.

So, if they did this, they could afford to hire some graphics guru's, get some tracks laser scanned, and increase the user base. With some sanctioned servers/leagues/comps aswell LFS could easily (IMO) take over iRacing. iRacing get's away with charging >£10 per month, plus content cost, for a product that is vastly inferior to what LFS "could" be, with a modest amount of investment.

Hypothetical over

LFS already has a huge physics update coming, a new car and the prospect of S3 on the horizon. This is not before time IMHO, but it will be free.

When S3 does come out, I hope it will be a big change, but I do fear that it won't. I hope to god that S3 doesn't cater for the pentium 3/4's that LFS caters for atm. It will be 2010/2011, and to expect the majority (probs 90+%) of the userbase to have to put up with shite DX8 graphics and 2 channel sound to please the tiny minority, in spite of the huge progress computers have made in the last 10 years since lfs was first released, would be a massive shame

/rant over
Quote from jasonmatthews :I find these posts regarding the price of LFS frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

The fact that Scawen (wrongly IMO), has branded LFS an alpha product and decided not to distribute LFS in the high street has compounded the issue. His latest post seems to agree that the alpha tag is no longer applicable.

From my personal point of view, I have never in my whole life experienced anything that even comes close to LFS in terms of value. £24 for 5 years of constant entertainment. I spend double that every month on Sky TV, which thanks to LFS, I never get to watch

Asking another £12, or whatever they ask, from users who have been playing the game since 2002 is absolutely nothing. We have all seen the alternative with iRacing, which thank god they have not decided to do. If, god forbid, then went down that route, I would have spent £100's in the last few years. Also, if LFS did go the subscription route, I would leave instantly. But what I would happily pay extra for is exactly what the community has been asking for, real tracks, with laser scanned quality (and hopefully bumps), and more content.

May I talk hypothetically for a minute..

Scawen wants to charge £24 for S3, on top of S2. So, LFS S3, for a new user, costs £46 (normal retail price for a game these days). For us it is £24.

For this money, they will spend the money on marketing and distributing LFS in shops, putting in 10 Real tracks, putting in 5 more cars in, surround sound, dx9/10 quality graphics, better physics, sanctioned races/servers.

So, if they did this, they could afford to hire some graphics guru's, get some tracks laser scanned, and increase the user base. With some sanctioned servers/leagues/comps aswell LFS could easily (IMO) take over iRacing. iRacing get's away with charging >£10 per month, plus content cost, for a product that is vastly inferior to what LFS "could" be, with a modest amount of investment.

Hypothetical over

LFS already has a huge physics update coming, a new car and the prospect of S3 on the horizon. This is not before time IMHO, but it will be free.

When S3 does come out, I hope it will be a big change, but I do fear that it won't. I hope to god that S3 doesn't cater for the pentium 3/4's that LFS caters for atm. It will be 2010/2011, and to expect the majority (probs 90+%) of the userbase to have to put up with shite DX8 graphics and 2 channel sound to please the tiny minority, in spite of the huge progress computers have made in the last 10 years since lfs was first released, would be a massive shame

/rant over

It's interesting to see how people have come to think that Live for Speed is too expensive. LFS is hardly the most expensive game on the market. Take a look at all those MMORPGs that require a monthly fee of $15 and many major ones also require you to pay an upfront retail fee of $50 before the fees start to come in.

Also, if S3 is too expensive for you? Who says you have to buy it? The devs aren't handicapping you if you dont decide to pay for S3. You still keep your S2 license AND you still get free updates.

There is really nothing to complain about. They are putting a price on their time and effort to laser scan a new track and future updates that will no doubt take a lot of work. Is that really so unreasonable?
Just thinking about it... 2013 = S4/£48? S5/£60? S6/£72?

And about the updates in the next years... will LFS keep up with the gaming market advances? Talking about hardware, PPU+GPU+CPU, directx, hi-res scanning, wide-band expansion (other exclusive luxury online racing simulators?), and stuff... I know I'll be attacked from everywhere, but I believe that, with the development speed we have since 2003, 2005... it won't.
I am optmistic in that regard, at least about the thing that matters (the physics, driving part)

The new track is up to the latest modern date standard, and the scirocco will probably be the most physically authentic road car in any game, with a bespoke suspension model with accurate data and new tire physics.

The one thing that really lack behind now is sound, and when all the content update is done I would imagine it to be on their worklist not far ahead.
Quote from jasonmatthews :I find these posts regarding the price of LFS frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

As I said, not in Brazil. But also as I mentioned, LFS S3 will cost exactly the same thing as any other game sold here (BRL $100), just as S2 did a few years ago. It's all the same price, it seems to never change (BRL $100). It will just cost more for people who purchased S2 some years ago, because they've already paid 100 bucks and now are going to spend 34 bucks more, but anyone who just purchases S3 from scratch right now will only pay BRL $100.

I'm not ranting at all, I'm just pointing something out. When I got to know S3 was going to be sold with only the new track, the first thought that instantly came into my mind was "I've got to purchase it". When I read Scawen's post saying it would also contain a new car, I thought "wonderful, first a laser scanned track and now it's getting even better".
Me too. Like Velociround, i wasn't complaining AT ALL. I was pointing this out.
Please read the Entire post if you're going to reply.
Quote from PedraumF :Just thinking about it... 2013 = S4/£48? S5/£60? S6/£72?

And about the updates in the next years... will LFS keep up with the gaming market advances? Talking about hardware, PPU+GPU+CPU, directx, hi-res scanning, wide-band expansion (other exclusive luxury online racing simulators?), and stuff... I know I'll be attacked from everywhere, but I believe that, with the development speed we have since 2003, 2005... it won't.

Maybe you won't need S3 to get S4. Maybe you'll be able to, as a new user, buy S1, S4, S6 and S7, skipping the stages/content that you don't want.

And as long as they don't introduce a monthly fee, or insist that you can only play online, then they'll kick ShiteRacing into the weeds

Why does it need to keep up with other games? Is it illegal for LFS to follow the route it wants, using the technology, programming and what have you to achieve the physics, looks, sound etc they are after? I'd much rather ignore some of the fashions in gaming graphics for a better simulation.
In all fairness, even if they did decide to keep charging £12 every stage, that's not unusual. Episodic content is the new thing, right? Did we not pay full price for Half Life 2, then smaller payments for Episodes 1 and 2? Won't we pay again for Episode 3? And what does that total - £60? 70? 80?

Nobody is forcing you to pay for anything you don't want. And if you want it, pay up or shut up. You get nothing for nothing, as the saying goes. No such thing as a free lunch, goes another.

And as another saying goes, exercise some patience and shut yer whinging yaps
Quote from jasonmatthews :i find these posts regarding the price of lfs frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

The fact that scawen (wrongly imo), has branded lfs an alpha product and decided not to distribute lfs in the high street has compounded the issue. His latest post seems to agree that the alpha tag is no longer applicable.

From my personal point of view, i have never in my whole life experienced anything that even comes close to lfs in terms of value. £24 for 5 years of constant entertainment. I spend double that every month on sky tv, which thanks to lfs, i never get to watch :d

asking another £12, or whatever they ask, from users who have been playing the game since 2002 is absolutely nothing. We have all seen the alternative with iracing, which thank god they have not decided to do. If, god forbid, then went down that route, i would have spent £100's in the last few years. Also, if lfs did go the subscription route, i would leave instantly. But what i would happily pay extra for is exactly what the community has been asking for, real tracks, with laser scanned quality (and hopefully bumps), and more content.

May i talk hypothetically for a minute..

Scawen wants to charge £24 for s3, on top of s2. So, lfs s3, for a new user, costs £46 (normal retail price for a game these days). For us it is £24.

For this money, they will spend the money on marketing and distributing lfs in shops, putting in 10 real tracks, putting in 5 more cars in, surround sound, dx9/10 quality graphics, better physics, sanctioned races/servers.

So, if they did this, they could afford to hire some graphics guru's, get some tracks laser scanned, and increase the user base. With some sanctioned servers/leagues/comps aswell lfs could easily (imo) take over iracing. Iracing get's away with charging >£10 per month, plus content cost, for a product that is vastly inferior to what lfs "could" be, with a modest amount of investment.

Hypothetical over

lfs already has a huge physics update coming, a new car and the prospect of s3 on the horizon. This is not before time imho, but it will be free.

When s3 does come out, i hope it will be a big change, but i do fear that it won't. I hope to god that s3 doesn't cater for the pentium 3/4's that lfs caters for atm. It will be 2010/2011, and to expect the majority (probs 90+%) of the userbase to have to put up with shite dx8 graphics and 2 channel sound to please the tiny minority, in spite of the huge progress computers have made in the last 10 years since lfs was first released, would be a massive shame

/rant over

People are not locked into a monthly chargeor will you be asked to pay for S3 again, whats the problem?
Quote from jasonmatthews :i find these posts regarding the price of lfs frankly ridiculous. Any other game that you try to buy on the shelves today will cost around £44.

The fact that scawen (wrongly imo), has branded lfs an alpha product and decided not to distribute lfs in the high street has compounded the issue. His latest post seems to agree that the alpha tag is no longer applicable.

From my personal point of view, i have never in my whole life experienced anything that even comes close to lfs in terms of value. £24 for 5 years of constant entertainment. I spend double that every month on sky tv, which thanks to lfs, i never get to watch :d

asking another £12, or whatever they ask, from users who have been playing the game since 2002 is absolutely nothing. We have all seen the alternative with iracing, which thank god they have not decided to do. If, god forbid, then went down that route, i would have spent £100's in the last few years. Also, if lfs did go the subscription route, i would leave instantly. But what i would happily pay extra for is exactly what the community has been asking for, real tracks, with laser scanned quality (and hopefully bumps), and more content.

May i talk hypothetically for a minute..

Scawen wants to charge £24 for s3, on top of s2. So, lfs s3, for a new user, costs £46 (normal retail price for a game these days). For us it is £24.

For this money, they will spend the money on marketing and distributing lfs in shops, putting in 10 real tracks, putting in 5 more cars in, surround sound, dx9/10 quality graphics, better physics, sanctioned races/servers.

So, if they did this, they could afford to hire some graphics guru's, get some tracks laser scanned, and increase the user base. With some sanctioned servers/leagues/comps aswell lfs could easily (imo) take over iracing. Iracing get's away with charging >£10 per month, plus content cost, for a product that is vastly inferior to what lfs "could" be, with a modest amount of investment.

Hypothetical over

lfs already has a huge physics update coming, a new car and the prospect of s3 on the horizon. This is not before time imho, but it will be free.

When s3 does come out, i hope it will be a big change, but i do fear that it won't. I hope to god that s3 doesn't cater for the pentium 3/4's that lfs caters for atm. It will be 2010/2011, and to expect the majority (probs 90+%) of the userbase to have to put up with shite dx8 graphics and 2 channel sound to please the tiny minority, in spite of the huge progress computers have made in the last 10 years since lfs was first released, would be a massive shame

/rant over

Quote from richo :People are not locked into a monthly chargeor will you be asked to pay for S3 again, whats the problem?

The problem is that S3 is not available for pre-order yet
Quote from tristancliffe :Maybe you won't need S3 to get S4. Maybe you'll be able to, as a new user, buy S1, S4, S6 and S7, skipping the stages/content that you don't want.

That's actually a nice idea.
Now I don't know how complex such a system would be, but if we think it further, it would even be possible to do specific content licences, like "Road Cars", "Single Seaters", "GT", or even single car purchases.

With micropayments being the trend today, I guess it could generate income if people could only buy and pay for the content they want...
Quote from ColeusRattus :That's actually a nice idea.
Now I don't know how complex such a system would be, but if we think it further, it would even be possible to do specific content licences, like "Road Cars", "Single Seaters", "GT", or even single car purchases.

With micropayments being the trend today, I guess it could generate income if people could only buy and pay for the content they want...

or buy "S3" and after that every car or track released to be little amount of money but for example if you have the car or track and other 5 people have them it wont be fun to race with only 5 people.. so i guess its a nice idea to buy the "S3" pack with all cars and tracks and free updates
Personally I think it would be better if after s3 every year or two a 'content pack' is released, this would typically contain 1 track and 2-3 cars. The packs would retail at around £5-£6. I appreciate many people will go 'omg i have to pay money!!!' but i think most players would be happy to pay this.

Obviously if you do not like the track or cars in the pack then you don't have to buy it!

Having done a few calculations earlier i was astonished at how little the devs must earn from such a great game, and think a scheme like this would give them a regular source of income.
Quote from westfield bend :Personally I think it would be better if after s3 every year or two a 'content pack' is released, this would typically contain 1 track and 2-3 cars. The packs would retail at around £5-£6. I appreciate many people will go 'omg i have to pay money!!!' but i think most players would be happy to pay this.

This isn't specifically targeted at you but let's get one thing clear. For literally years and years people have been suggesting that perhaps more money could equal more content more quickly. People have offered, begged to pay, some people have even actually organised for a real track to be included free of charge to the devs.

Frequently we see new revolutionary ideas like, "how much would the Nurburgring license cost? Could we spread the cost amongst LFS users?", or "If we pay X amount will the devs be able to hire another graphic artist to speed up development?", or "How much would you pay for another environment?"

Of course it all comes to nothing, wasted breath, wasted dreams

The issue has never been the money, most of us would have happily dished out the odd £5 or £10 here and there over the last 6 or so years for new stuff. The devs are completely disinterested in anything like this. They've known we want things like this, they've know we'd pay for it, do they care? Apparently not at all, if we believe that they only started on a new environment when this Rockingham deal was done last year.

Again, not a complaint, just a reality check. Don't waste your time suggesting anything like this (or indeed anything at all).
I would easily continue paying for additional content after S3 is released or if they continue with S4, S5 and so on.
Content built with laser scanning is probably quite expensive so if they are going to continue with it they probably need to bring in some more money wich I and i surely a lot more people think is worth paying for.

Rockingham coming to LFS
(1238 posts, started )