The online racing simulator
Real Reflection Mod
(54 posts, started )
Real Reflection Mod
>I made reflection textures. Hope you like them. If so, enjoy.
>Changed Track:
>Blackwood Bright Clear Evening
>South City Bright Clear Sunset Cloudy
>Fern Bay Day Evening
>Autocross Evening
>Kyoto Ring Bright Clear
>Westhill Clear Evening
>Aston Bright Clear

Real Reflection Mod Update :nol2:
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NewRefMod - 1.3 MB - 6428 views
NewRefMod - 966.1 KB - 5777 views
Freakin' awesome mod! W:bounce8:W
Whoah that is some neat looking reflections. I must say, they do look pretty real.

I will try them out soon, and let you know what I think
#4 - JJ72
OMG it looks absolutely fabulous.
#5 - tonix
Fantastic work! Grats!
#6 - Alles
yes this looks really nice
but maybe its just abit too reflective
#7 - Zonda
Quote from yamakawa :Hi,
I made refrection textures. Hope you like them. If so, enjoy.

Changed Track:

Blackwood Bright Clear Evening
South City Bright Clear Sunset Cloudy
Fern Bay Day Evening
Autocross Evening
Kyoto Ring Bright Clear
Westhill Clear Evening
Aston Bright Clear

Very Nice Thnx.
Veeery cool looking reflections. I will try these later on today. Arigato
Quote from Alles :yes this looks really nice
but maybe its just abit too reflective

then go to:
and about 2/3rds way down lower car shine value
#10 - joen
I think they look amazing!
Amazing work man ! Congrats & Thank You !
OMG.. these are even better than Darkone's.. KEWL!
Have you got some high res pictures of some non-evening reflections?
Love it... You Japanese are amazing, what would we do without you?
OMG! Its very good!!illepall
Fern Bay evening reflections don't really match up with the course, but aside from that, excellent job!
Really really NICEEEEEEEEEE!

look this
#19 - Jakg
i love it! although the bright reflections of headlights etc are just... amazing!

Buffa - Link = 404
Can anyone take some more screenshots of like some cars with really nice skins on them? Some racing skins for example. I am not at my home PC, but forgot to try this. Just dying to see some more pics
#21 - axus
Wow - these are amazing indeed!
As Tweak requested - screenshots.
Attached images
#22 - Reed
Coooool. Thanks!
Sorry darkone55, your textures will be replaced... But until now they did a pretty good job
Amazing! Very nice.
these look awesome! gonna install it now and take some screenies

Real Reflection Mod
(54 posts, started )