this kind of info could lead to endless "logical" speculations like:
1. the devs work with WV over Scirocco in LFS -> Audi is in the same group -> lots of us want Le Mans prototypes -> so Audi R10 for LFS is just around the corner
2. quie a lot of BMW in LFS, right? -> BMW runs in WTCC -> lots of drivers in LFS like WTCC cars -> voila, the WTCC BMW is almost certain
3. Rockingham is coming to LFS -> there are V8 Supercars for hire there -> we like V8 Supercars here -> they announce new car with Rockingham -> then it must be a V8 Supercar
you could speculate like that almost with any kind of info about any kind of cooperation beteween LFS devs and any company, and in the end it would not mean anything at all