Is disnable sorry
this is disnable
#2 - Silox
I has a fr34k1n cewl 1 !!!!1&&!!!@@"
i got no insim its fine as you me can send it
LFS lfslapper insim
Quote from joordy599 :can anyone send me an insim

I don't mean to come across as annoyed, but InSim is just the protocol you use to talk to LFS. You can make a program using InSim interact in a huge number of ways. Asking for "an insim" is therefore a bit vague... What exactly do you want a program to do? We might actually be able to help you if you give us more information.

If you're just after LFSLapper (a program to ease InSim-related development) full details can be found here...
LFS insim,s
is anyone get a insim please sending to me thats fine thx
#8 - PoVo
I think he wants a Cruise insim, but im not sure (im thinking this because he is online at LTC at the moment)
lfs External
Aangezien je een hollander bent kan ik maar even zo een vraag stellen:

Naar wat ben je precies op zoek? Ben je op zoek naar een InSim zoals LTC enzo hebben of zoek je een puntensysteem of ben je gewoon op zoek naar de lapper waar je records op worden getoond?

For the other people:
I asked him in dutch (it seems his english is not that good) what kind of InSim he was looking for...
Lfs Insim
ik was naar zoon Lc iets naar opzoek dat lijkt me leuk voor me host namelijk
You can make InSim cool by putting it into refridgerator.
Translated for you guys:

He is searching for a cruise system, let's all wish him good luck!

Good luck, buddy!

Here you go:

Well, all you actually need is a brain and some reasoning needs to be done to configure it properly... Just try out some stuff.

You'll need this to change some stuf in the sourcecode:

Quote from Shadowww :You can make InSim cool by putting it into refridgerator.

You lolled me.
Quote from the_angry_angel :I don't mean to come across as annoyed, but InSim is just the protocol you use to talk to LFS. You can make a program using InSim interact in a huge number of ways. Asking for "an insim" is therefore a bit vague... What exactly do you want a program to do? We might actually be able to help you if you give us more information.

If you're just after LFSLapper (a program to ease InSim-related development) full details can be found here...

I'm wondering why you don't get an ichy ban finger when you see this posts. Not so much to the thread starter, but to the people that reply. 7 days of read only would be a nice option.
i want to like a cruise insim that i can start on me server i like
Read my post.